Saraswatarishta Uses, Dose, Side effects and Ingredients, Buy

Saraswatarishta is an Ayurvedic medicine used in many health conditions. It is a liquid Ayurvedic medicine. Saraswatarishta contains 5 – 10 % of self generated alcohol in it. This self generated alcohol and the water present in the product acts as a media to deliver water and alcohol soluble active herbal components to the body. It is also called Sarasvatarishtam.

Click to buy Saraswatharishtam

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(Caution: This product should strictly be used under medical supervision. Buy and use this product only if your doctor has advised it to you.)

Reference and dose

Reference: Bhaishaja Ratnavali, Rasayana – 178-191
Saraswatarishtam dosage: 12 – 24 ml. one or two times a day, usually advised after food. If needed, it can be mixed with equal quantity of water. It is advised to drink a cup of milk after taking this medicine.
Traditionally it is administered for one month time period.
Some doctors advice 10-15 ml, once or twice a day.

How long to use?
Saraswatarishtam can be given for 2 – 3 months time. For long term use, it is best to use it for 2 months, then give a month gap, then continue again for 2 months and so on.
If your doctor has advised this for longer than 2 months usage, then please go ahead with your doctor’s advice.

With western medicines
Seek your doctor’s advice if you are taking this product along with other western (allopathic/modern) medicines. Some Ayurvedic herbs can interact with modern medicine.
If both Ayurvedic and allopathic medicines are advised together, then it is best to take allopathic medicine first, wait for 30 minutes and then, after a gap of 15 – 30 minutes, take Ayurvedic medicine or as directed by the physician.

Can this be used while taking Homeopathic medicine?
Yes. This product does not react with homeopathic medicine.

With supplements like multivitamin tablets, Omega 3 fatty acids etc?
Yes. Generally, this product goes well with most of the dietary supplements. However, if you are taking more than one product per day, please consult your doctor for an opinion.
Click to buy Sitaram Saraswatarishtam

Saraswatarishta benefits

Saraswatarishta is a anti aging herbs tonic.
It is a good memory tonic. It is good for people of all ages, improves immunity, voice tone and strength.
It is also used in mental conditions, epilepsy, insanity and to improve quality of semen and sperms.
It is used for the treatment of depression. One study suggested that Saraswatarishta decreased FST and caused absence of generalized stimulation or depression of motor activity in OFT point. This suggests that Saraswatarishta has potential antidepressant effect of Saraswatarishta. Its co-administration with fluoxetine (western anti depressant) improved the result further. However, to co-prescribe Saraswatarishta with any other medicine, please consult a psychiatrist.
It is useful in neurological cases such as nerve inflammation, neuralgia and neuropathy, tinnitus
It is used as brain tonic in academic people who do tiring mental work, teaching and reading for long hours.
Absent seizures
Brain fade moments
Sleep problems, anxiety fears, feeling suffocation due to anxiety, phobia
Brain atrophy in elders
Psychosis, schizophrenia, intrusive thoughts, incessant thinking
Pronunciation and speech difficulties in children and elders
Read related: How to improve brain power?

Watch the video

Traditional benefits

Traditional benefits of Sarasvatharishtam
For the benefits of students, this medicine has been specially formulated by Lord Dhanvantari.
It improves –
Life expectancy, – Ayu
Potency, sexual capacity – Veerya
Memory – Smruti
Intelligence – Medha
Immunity, strength – Bala
Skin complexion and shine, – Kanti

Digestion power
It improves pronunciation, it helps to relieve all pronunciation mistakes – Vak vishuddhikara
Acts as cardiac tonic, good for heart – Hrudya
One of the best among all medicines of rejuvenation – Rasayanavara
Very useful in children, youngsters and old people, men and women.
Improves Ojas. (source of immunity) – Param Ojaskara
Relieves voice hoarseness, speech problems, speech delays in children
Improves voice,
Useful to detoxify uterus and related organs, hence useful in female infertility – Rajodosha hara
Cleanses and detoxifies semen. Hence useful in male infertility – Shukradoshahara
Balances all the three Doshas – Sarvadoshahara
Ideal for one who read and sing for long periods of time
Good for people having depleted memory, strength and immunity
Used for treating insomnia, sleep timing correction and anxiety, social anxiety
Because it is useful to improve speech, it is useful in treating stammering problems.
Because it improves blood circulation and has anti aging (Rasayana) effect, it is useful to improve skin health and complexion.
Click to buy Sitaram Saraswatarishtam

Diet To Follow

Have more of Ghee, coconut oil, Sunflower seed, almond, taro root, flaxseed oil, soyabean, pistachio,
Broccoli, carrots, chard, nuts, papaya, pumpkin, red peppers
Flax seeds, walnut, tofu, brussel sprout, cauliflower, winter squash, fish oil, egg oil, krill oil, chia seeds, camelia are fine to take.

Diet To avoid:
There are no diet restrictions. Please avoid all types of junk foods, excessive non veg foods, try to avoid or limit alcohol and smoking. Avoid aerated drinks.
Please prefer homemade food wherever possible.

Side effects

Saraswatarishta side effects:
In prescribed dosage, it is not having any side effects.
Some people, especially children may feel increased body warmth or sweating episodes during initial days of taking this medicine.
Some people may have hiccups soon after taking this. In that case, add more quantity of water to it, just before taking it.

Lifestyle, diet tips

• Soak 7 almonds overnight in water. Peel off the skin the next morning. Eat them with 1 glass lukewarm milk
• Take one to three teaspoons of Amla churna or juice 2 times a day for at least a few weeks.
• Mix a pinch of cinnamon in about one teaspoon of raw honey.Consume this mixture daily at night for at least a few months.
• Include herbs and spices like holy basil, turmeric and black pepper in your regular diet as they help boost memory. You can also drink green tea as it is full of antioxidants.
• Avoid high-fat diets and replace saturated fats in your diet with healthy fats.
• Engage in regular physical exercise as it increases oxygen to the brain and stimulates nerve cells to multiply.
• Get proper sleep. Sleep deprivation compromises your brain’s ability to operate at full capacity.
• A few minutes of sun exposure can also help improve brain function as it provides vitamin D.
• Keep stress in check.

Kids, pregnancy, lactation

Safe for kids? 
It is safe to use this medicine in lower dose, in children above 5 years of age.
Pregnancy and lactation –
It is allowed to take while planning for pregnancy. Consult your doctor for its advice during pregnancy.
It can be taken during lactation period, under doctor’s advice, for a short period of time.

Expiry date and storage

Expiry date: 10 years from the date of manufacture.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed amber coloured bottle, protect from light and moisture.


Baidyanath, Dabur, Arya Vaidya Sala, Kerala Ayurveda, Nagarjuna – Saaraswathaarishtam, SDM, Udupi

If it is stopped, does it cause side effects?
No. It is not addictive and it does not cause any withdrawal symptoms.

Saraswatharistam Contents

Saraswatarishta ingredients: 
Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) – whole plant – 960 g
Shatavari – Asparagus racemosus – Root – 240 g
Vidari (Pueraria tuberosa) – Tuber – 240 g
Abhaya – Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) – Fruit rind – 240 g
Usheera (Vetiveria zizanioides) -Root – 240 g
Shunti – Ginger – Zingiber officinalis – Rhizome – 240 g
Mishi – foeniculum vulgare – Fruit – 240 g
Water for Kashaya – 12.288 liters,
Boiled and reduced to – 3.072 liters
Makshika – Honey  – 480 g
Sita – sugar candy – 1.2 kg
Prakshepa – 
Dhataki – Woodfordia fruticosa – Flower – 240 g
Renuka – Vitex Negundo – Seed – 12 g
Kana – Long pepper – Piper longum – Fruit – 12 g
Trivrit – Operculina turpethum – Root – 12 g
Devapushpa – Clove – Syzygium aromaticum – Flower bud – 12 g
Vacha – Acorus calamus – Rhizome – 12 g
Kushta – Saussurea lappa – Root – 12 g
Vajigandha – Ashwagandha – Withania somnifera – Root – 12 g
Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellerica – Fruit rind – 12 g
Amruta – Guduchi – Giloya – Tinospora cordifolia – Stem – 12 g
Ela – Cardamom  -Elettaria cardamomum – 12 g
Vidanga – Embelia ribes – Fruit – 12 g
Twak – Cinnamon – 12 g
Gold leaf – 12 g

Method of manufacturing

The first set of herbs in coarse powder form is added with water, boiled and reduced to a quarter part to prepare Kashaya. Filtered. It is added with the rest of the ingredients. Taken in a golden vessel or mud vessel. It is added with a thin gold leaf of 12 grams.
The contents are kept sealed for a month time. After observing proper taste, (completion of fermentation) and after confirming that the gold leaf has disintegrated in the liquid, the contents are filtered and stored in a vessel smearedwith ghee.

Shloka- Sanskrit verse


Difference between this and Saraswata Churnam
Saraswatarishtam is a fermented product. Churnam is a herbal powder combination. 

It is prescribed along with a wide variety of medicines such as Brahmi ghrita, Mentat DS syrup, Saraswatarishta, Shankhapushpi syrup, Ashwagandha capsule, Manasamitra vatakam, Smriti Sagar Ras, Divya Medha Vati, etc

Usage in diabetic patients

This product can be used in diabetic patients with a good control over blood sugar.
If the blood sugar and HbA1c reading is very high, then it is best to avoid this product.
Please go ahead with the advice of your doctor.

Habit forming

Is this medicine habit forming? Does it create dependence? Can we stop it after a few months of usage?
This medicine is not habit forming. After using for the prescribed period, your doctor would gradually decrease the dose and eventually stop it. Follow your doctor’s instructions for gradual decrease of dose and stopping. Usually it does not cause any ill effects.

Click to buy Saraswatharishtam

Click the below button to buy from within India
(Caution: This product should strictly be used under medical supervision. Buy and use this product only if your doctor has advised it to you.)

Please consult your doctor before taking this medicine.
This article is written by Dr. Janardhana V Hebbar BAMS, MD (Ayu), PGDPSM, Managing Director, Easy Ayurveda Hospital.
It is reviewed by Dr. Shilpa Ramdas BAMS, MD (Ayu), Chief Ayurvedic Physician, Easy Ayurveda Hospital

117 thoughts on “Saraswatarishta Uses, Dose, Side effects and Ingredients, Buy”

  1. dear sir after taking a saraswatarishta sleeping is not coming na and how many days the output will be getting after taking saraswatarishta

  2. please give a good alternative of saraswatarishta in ghee or tablet or powder form. my psychiatrist has asked me not use any alcohol containing medicine.

    • How it is good for Schizophrenia? I mean what herbs in it that helps for Schizophrenia? Thank you in advance for your information.

  3. Does this help to cure stammering in kids? My son is 4.5 yrd old. .. He has started stammering suddenly. .. For the past 3 months. … pl reply. .. kindly mention dosage also.

  4. There is a Saraswatarishta available without the Gold in it. Is it OK to buy that considering that it costs less due to the absence of Gold. How significant is the action of the Gold in it? What is the benefit of the Gold in some Ayurvedic medicines? Isnt Gold an inert metal?

  5. I had byepass surgery 1 year ago and am taking allopathy medicine for BP and cholesterol. I am also taking Arjunarishta – should I ALSO take Saraswatarishta too for reducing anxiety and getting good sleep? RK, Hyd

    • Dear Reena,

      To treat vertigo and all types of mental disorders, Mentat (one tablet twice a day after meal) and Saraswatarishta (three tablespoon syrup with equal quantity of water twice a day after meal) should be the best choice of treatment to bring best possible results.

      Please Note
      You will need to take the above herbal medicines for several months with utmost patience to achieve long lasting benefits since natural products have holistic healing qualities on the body and take extra time for absorption and producing satisfactory results.

      Best regards,
      Kunwar Singh

    • It can be used in treating chronic insomnia. It may not directly induce sleep. But it will calm mind, improve memory, concentration and reduce mental irritation. Because it also has rejuvenating and anti aging properties, it will eventually help to sleep better. There are no much diet restrictions. Having food rich in Vitamin E and A helps.

  6. For my hyperacidity my doctor has adviced Saraswatarishta for 15 days. 3 tea spoon morning and evening after food. Is it fine ?

  7. It is slightly different than Saraswata ghrita (ghee medicine).
    It is useful for skin health. But you may also have to use Kumkumadi taila – external application for the black spots.

  8. Dear Sir,
    Thanks for giving your time to all of us.
    I’m suffered with Tinnitus in back side of head (sound like frequency waves) (from almost 2 years), cervical spondylosis (may be sound due to cervical spondylosis) & alot of anxiety, so one of doctor suggested me Saraswatarishta with gold. but i did not start it due to afraid that it can do side effect to me, i have problem of alot of acidity & something feeling on & under the tongue, doctor asking it’s due to anxiety. Can you please suggest me medicines ? Thanks in advance.

  9. Sir can Saraswatarishta and Ashwagandharishta be mixed together and taken? Will it have better result or be harmful?

    Many Thanks 🙂

  10. After the course of medicine is completed and stopped, will the problems reappear again? I mean once it serves the purpose whichever is the case.

  11. can a person (me) with daily drinking habit (age : 25 yrs) take saraswatarishta?? what dose? and for how much time ?… will it be fruitful ?? plz tell me

    thank you

    • if you are agreeing that you have drinking habit then you also agree that it harms your body and mind. if at all you stop your habit or taper your habit to stop definitely it will help you to combat withdrawal symptoms.

  12. Dear sir,

    Is it ok to take saraswatharishta + ashwagandha churna in the night for sleep problems? Also, in the morning I’m taking brahmarasayan + ashwagandha churna as general supplements. Is this combination ok, or does it present any problem? Thanks.

  13. Sincere thanks to all the doctors on this form for their relentless contribution. Also may I suggest that patients who have had benefits using these medications to kindly mention the same so that it is reassuring to others.

  14. Was advised to take Saraswatharista 1 tbsp at night by an ayurvedic Dr -for concentration for daughter 15 yrs preparing for exam. Yet to start Saraswatharistam – kindly advise when is the best time to start as the exam will start in March.

    • Dear friends,

      Mentat (one tablet twice a day after meal) along with Saraswatarishta (one tablespoon syrup with equal quantity of water after meal) combine is the best brain tonic for students. Mentat in tablet form is easy to consume and extremely convenient to carry while travelling and works out to be cheaper.

      To treat all types of severe brain related disorders, Mentat and Saraswatarishta combine in higher dosage as per an expert Ayurvedic doctor’s advice will brings best possible results.

      Take care and stay healthy!

      Best regards,
      Kunwar Singh

  15. I have 2002 manufactured swaraswatarishta in sealed bottle. It remained in alhmira unnoticed. Can it be taken now because I heard that it have 10 years expiry. Please guide so that any toxic effect be avoided. Make is sandu

  16. I suffer from panic attacks and bad feeling, sometimes dizziness, sometimes strong anxiety, I am from Ukraine and visited India not long ago, consulted a doctor there and she prescribed me Saraswatarishta, 2 table spoons 2 times a day. But it makes my head unclear and heavy. And I feel retarded or sleepy or I even don’t know. Even after 1,5 table spoons. Could you please consult what is wrong? Should I take it further? maybe before sleep would be better? Before sleep she prescribed me Medha Vati. I don’t have possibility to contact her.

    • it induce sleep a bit. and the dose you are taking also seems to be high. take 5 ml of Saraswatharista mixed with 5 ml of water twice daily after food [morning & night] for a period of 2-3 months.

  17. Doctor My daughter aged 16yrs has lack of concentration and little of ADHD. i had been giving 15 ml Saraswatharista for a month in Nov-Dec and has been giving Saraswatharistam 15ml twice morning and night since 15th Feb as advised by ayurvedic doctor. was asked to stop after one month.
    Will the effect of concentration be there in her after she stops the Saraswatharistam, will she come over the ADHD? She is quite a talented child but lacks concentration and focus.
    any advise?

  18. Hi, you can take them for 2 months and after that, why don’t you consult the same doctor for the right advice? If the symptoms do not decrease even after 2 weeks of usage of the above two, consider consulting a psychiatrist. I wish you all the best. Cheers! 🙂

  19. Hi, if the blood sugar levels are well under control, taking Saraswatarishta will do no harm. She can continue it till the time it has been prescribed. Thanks for your kind words of appreciation.

  20. Hi, you can start with Saraswatarishta again for another 3 months time.
    Include a bit of ghee in his diet.
    It can be taken while continuing with homeopathic treatment.

  21. Thank you. i was taking medha vati….shall i continue along with saraswatarishta? Also my exam is after 3 months….in that case also, i shall stop it after 2 months… guide.

  22. Hello doctor Hebbar I want to ask you that can we make a saraswatarishta without jaggery honey and sugar because my son is told not to eat any of these items because of hyperactivity and candida fungus in stomach but he has ADHD and ASD so I really wanted to give Saraswatarist so can we make it without these products instead we can add astevia and if any fermentationis neded we can add raw apple cider vinegar Please let me know it’s very urgent. Thank you

  23. Hello sir, I am fit and fine, could i take divya medha vati / Saraswatarishta or both at the same time or any one of them (which should i prefer)? what should be the dose and for how long?

  24. Hello sir,i have taken kottakal saraswatharistm gold..for good memory..orally.. but i was effected nerves system has loosed his control..and my stomach has loosed observe nutrients..and also imbalanced..please i request you.. suggest any medicine..or physician..where i can be out of this situation..please do the need full

  25. Inam already taking amrutarishta.can I also start taking this?I am looking for consumption of brahmi and ashwagandha for anti stress ,mind capabilities and overall health. Any other aayurvedic formulation that you can recommend?

  26. Hi m already taking amrutarishta for cough problems. I am looking for brahmi and ashwagandha medicines for anti anxiety,intellect,skin,sperm count,youngness.Can I start taking this along with amrutarishta?Also any other formulation containing brahmi and sehwag andha that can be taken?

  27. I am taking amritarishta for cough and immunity.can I take saraswatirishta also?I am looking for anti anxiety,skin,anti ageing,muscle building.Is there any alternate to saraswatirishta which also contains decent amount of ashwagandha along with brahmi and easily digestible ?

  28. hello sir,
    would like to know my 3 year old daughter has eczema and speech delay. can i give her saraswataristam with gold 3ml everyday?

  29. I am having pain in my left chest after having saraswatharishtam. I had it after food. What could be the possible reason. Should i continue or stop using it. ?
