Nirgundi Taila Benefits, How To Use, Ingredients, Side Effects

Nirgundi Taila is an herbal oil. It is used in the treatment of cysts and abscesses. It is most commonly used in north Indian Ayurvedic practice. This medicine should strictly be used under medical supervision.


It is used in the treatment of cysts, abscesses and non healing wounds, pilonidal sinus, sinus wounds (Nadi Vrana), anal fissure and fistula in ano.

Mode of Usage

This medicine should not be used without doctor’s advice. It is applied externally and also used for nasal instillation. (Nasya therapy)

Application on feet

Oil application over feet

Precaution if you apply this oil over feet:
If you apply this oil on feet, make sure to wash off thoroughly with water or wipe off with cloth. The oil can make you slippery while walking.
After applying, make sure there are no oil spills on the floor. This can make the floor slippery.

Side Effects

This oil should not be used in children and pregnant women.


In this herbal oil, the herbs are infused in the medium of sesame oil along with herb water decotion. Then the solid waste herb materials are filtered out. Thus, this oil contains oil soluble and water soluble phyto-active principles of medicinal herbs.


Nirgundi taila – ingredients:
Nirgundi – Vitex negundo
Langali – Gloriosa superba
Taila – Oil of Sesamum indicum


Bhaishajya Ratnavali Galagandadi Chikitsa 44/77, Sharangdhara Samhita Madhyamakhanda 9/198

Shloka- Sanskrit verse

निर्गुण्डीस्वरसे वाऽथ लाङ्गलीमूलकल्कितम् ।
तैलं नस्यान्निहन्त्याशु गण्डमालां सुदारुणम् ॥


Nirgundi taila also has anti inflammatory effect. Hence, it is used as ingredient in many anti inflammatory creams such as Dazzle cool cream, Antarth ointment.

Shelf life

 Three years from the date of manufacture. Once opened, it is best to empty the oil within 1 year.

During pregnancy, lactation

If you were using this oil before pregnancy without any allergic reaction, you can continue using this oil even during pregnancy.
If you have not used this product before and wish to use it during pregnancy, better to consult a doctor because it can cause skin allergy in some rare cases.
It is generally considered as safe to use during lactation, however consult your doctor for the right advice.

Can this product be applied after steam therapy?
No. Oil is best applied before steam therapy. This is as per basic Ayurvedic principles. 

Please consult your doctor before taking this medicine.
This article is written by Dr. Janardhana V Hebbar BAMS, MD (Ayu), PGDPSM, Managing Director, Easy Ayurveda Hospital.
It is reviewed by Dr. Shilpa Ramdas BAMS, MD (Ayu), Chief Ayurvedic Physician, Easy Ayurveda Hospital

22 thoughts on “Nirgundi Taila Benefits, How To Use, Ingredients, Side Effects”

  1. Dear Doctor
    I am using this for regaining hearing loss .along with M- Brahmirasayana and Herbosol as advised by Doctor.
    How are the later two medicine helpful for hearing loss.
    Is it okay to use Nirgundi Taila ear drops only once while going to bed.

  2. Dear Doctor
    Dr. S.Giridharan who runs Srigiri Ayruvedic Hospital at 917 V.C.V layout Flower Market Coimbatore , claims that hearing loss can be regained through their unique Ayruvedic treatment.(he uses ear drops ).
    Is there any medicine as he claims in Ayruvedic which when used can help in regaining hearing loss.
    pl. do clarify.

  3. sir,i have a lump on my tailbone, allopathic doctor says i hv pilonidal sinus, but my ayurvedic doctor says that i dont have internal cyst and thus no pilonidal sinus, but pus comes out from my lump, beside this oil what should i apply…?
    or what alternative do i have ?

  4. Can this be used for facial palsy (Bell’s palsy) ? How and when to use it? I started using this based on information online ? I am starting to feel a lot of sensation (also pain ) in my ears.. should I continue ?


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