Panchagavya Ghrita is an Ayurvedic medicine, in herbal ghee form.This medicine has ghee as its base. It is used for preparatory procedure for Panchakarma and also as medicine. Panchagavyam refers to five different components of cow products.
Table of Contents
Panchagavya Ghrita benefits:
It is widely used as medicine and also in preparatory procedure called snehakarma for the treatment of
neurological and psychiatric conditions, epilepsy, insanity, fever, liver diseases such as jaundice.
Demoniacs and dullness will not trouble children if this is given regularly.
Apart from oral intake, it is also used as nasal drops for the treatment of psychiatric disorders. Usual dose is 2 drops into each nostrils, on empty stomach. Because of its peculiar odor, some may feel it hard to use as Nasya.
Effect on Tridosha – Calms Pitta and kapha
Panchagavya Ghrita dosage:
As medicine – quarter to half teaspoon with water, usually before food, once or twice a day, or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor.
For 3 year old- up to 5 gms, to be taken on empty stomach.
For Panchakarma preparation – Snehana procedure, the dose depends on the disease status and the judgement of Ayurvedic doctor.
It is usually administered with warm water.
How to take Panchagavya ghrita for body cleanse:
10 ml, in the morning, empty stomach, can be take. After that, drink a cup of hot water.
After taking this ghee, better to not take anything (tea, coffee or breakfast) for at least 30 minutes.
Like this, it can be taken for a period of 10 days. Stop it after 10 days.
Q: Can panchagavya ghrita be put in fridge (refrigerator), after opening up the bottle?
Once you have opened it, you can keep in room temperature for about 4 – 6 weeks time. If you intend to keep it for more than 6 weeks, only then consider refrigeration.
Ayurveda does not recommend refrigerating medicines as it would add undesirable cold property to the medicine. It makes the medicine harder to undergo digestion.
With western medicines
Seek your doctor’s advice if you are taking this product along with other western (allopathic/modern) medicines. Some Ayurvedic herbs can interact with modern medicine.
If both Ayurvedic and allopathic medicines are advised together, then it is best to take allopathic medicine first, wait for 30 minutes and then, after a gap of 15 – 30 minutes, take Ayurvedic medicine or as directed by the physician.
Can this be used while taking Homeopathic medicine?
Yes. This product does not react with homeopathic medicine.
With supplements like multivitamin tablets, Omega 3 fatty acids etc?
Yes. Generally, this product goes well with most of the dietary supplements. However, if you are taking more than one product per day, please consult your doctor for an opinion.
Avoid excess intake of wine and non-vegetarian food.
Side effects
Panchagavy Ghrit Side Effects:
There are no known side effects with this medicine. However it is best to use this product under medical supervision. Self medication with this medicine is discouraged.
People with diabetes, high cholesterol, heart diseases and high BP should exercise precaution.
In very high dose, it may cause diarrhoea and indigestion.
In this herbal ghee, the herbs are infused in the medium of ghee along with herb water decotion. Then the solid waste herb materials are filtered out. Thus, this herbal ghee contains oil soluble and water soluble phyto-active principles of medicinal herbs.
Panchagavyam Ghritam Ingredients:
Gomaya swarasa – the water extract prepared from cow dung – 3.072 liters
ksheera – cow milk – 3.072 liters
Dadhi – curd – 3.072 kg
Mutra – Cow urine – 3.072 liters
Ghritham – ghee – 768 grams
The above combination is heated till herbal ghee is prepared.
Panchagavya Ghrita – Ayurvedic Remedy For Psychiatric Care
Shloka and Reference
Panchagavyam Ghritham reference:
गोशकृद्रसदध्यम्ल क्षीरमूत्रैः समैर्घृतम्|
सिद्धं पिबेदपस्मार कामला ज्वर नाशनम्||१७||
इति पञ्चगव्यं घृतम्|
gośakṛdrasadadhyamla kṣīramūtraiḥ samairghṛtam|
siddhaṃ pibedapasmāra kāmalā jvara nāśanam||17||
iti pañcagavyaṃ ghṛtam|
Charaka Chikitsa Sthana 10th chapter
Ashtanga Hrudaya Chikitsa Sthana 12/19-23

Shelf life and Manufacturer
Shelf life: 2 years from the date of manufacture.
Manufacturer: Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala, Nagarjuna – Panchagavya Ghrutham
Packaging: 150 grams
Pregnancy, lactation and children:
Seek medical advice for its usage during pregnancy.
It can be administered to lactating mother and children.
Other Indications
For the treatment of anemia and jaundice:
In case of Panduroga (Anemia) and Jaundice), Panchagavya Ghrut is used for the purpose of Snehakarma – oleation treatment, which is done before administering Vamana and Virechana treatment. (Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana, 16th chapter).
Please consult your doctor before taking this medicine.
This article is written by Dr. Janardhana V Hebbar BAMS, MD (Ayu), PGDPSM, Managing Director, Easy Ayurveda Hospital.
It is reviewed by Dr. Shilpa Ramdas BAMS, MD (Ayu), Chief Ayurvedic Physician, Easy Ayurveda Hospital
94 thoughts on “Panchagavya Ghrita Benefits, Dosage, How To Use, Side Effects, Ingredients, Reference”
excellent writeup,
dr.subhash thakral
Thank you sir.
one of the ayurvedic physician advised me to take panchagavya grita in pregnency from five month onward. Please tell me what is the use this medicine in pregnency.
My general advice is not to use any medicine during pregnancy, without any specific purpose. I have mentioned its uses in the article.
how many days should be taken to cure deases….
It can be used up to 2 – 3 months.
Can this be used by both Genders?
After start panchgavya how many percentage possibility of epilepsy attack?
Very difficult to guess.
Hello, i have allergy and dry sputum in throat it can be cure m problem
This might not be very useful. COnsult a doctor directly.
unless you have hypercholesteremia you can use this panchagavya ghritha only after consulting your nearest Ayurveda doctor regarding dose and duration
is this ghrit is useful in epilepsy/fits what is dose taken for 14 yaear girl
It is useful in epilepsy. For dose and appropriate treatment, consult an Ayurveda doctor directly.
Can we use panchagavya grita mix with mahakalyanaka grita.?
You can use if your doctor has advised so.
For neurological disorders & rickets n other bone related disorders, wat is the quantity of Panchagavya should be used for persons aged 60 years… Can u plz suggest?
gritha dose should be decided according to the digestion capacity. for which you better consult an Ayurvedic doctor personally.
Can we use this medicine for life long?
it can be safely used up to 2-3 months. after that you may have to consult an Ayurveda doctor either to stop or continue the treatment.
My brother is having cerebellar atropy be treated by this medicine
it can be used, but only under strict medical supervision.
Is this medicine readily available with ayurvedic store.
it is advised in children but also it is better to take advice of an Ayurvedic doctor near to you. there are many more medicines which may help you out.
Are you sure ? Do you have any proof or experience ?
I don’t decease, But my father/ brother is suggesting to take this Panchagavya Ghrutham. Blindly my family is following my seniors words. We don’t have any such deceases by GOD GRACE!.
unless your digestion power is not at all good, you can take panchagavya grita for cleansing your body for certain time period. some medicines are precautionary and rejuvenating also, can be taken in healthy conditions also.
can panchagavya useful for gist cancers
I am panchagavya user. We are taking panchagavya since 4 Months. It is very heat due to huge temperature. So, intake of panchagavya in this summer is rightful or not. Plz suggest me
Hi, it is a cleansing remedy and can only be taken for 2 months of time and is best to avoid during summer.
i want to buy panchagavya . how to go ahead. dr sarang 9323289393.
What is the caution for people with High BP? I want ot take this for strengthening nerves & neurological conditions.
Hi, it has very slight effect on lowering BP. Please read about high BP tips here –
Hello Sir,
I have skin problem (psoriasis – cured, but now having black rings on armpits, stomach). While searching on so many websites it was suggested that to take PANCHAGAVYA. Please suggest whether I can take this GRITAM.
Is panchagavya cure 3rd stage stomach cancer
Please give the patient fresh wheat grass juice in the morning and Elephant Creeper leaf juice in the evening.Will notice difference in a week time this is proven by self consumption by more than a dozen people and all when the allopathy Doctors gave up after stage 3 or 4. Feel free to contact me over email – [email protected]
Pansgavya ghrit is useful for a paralytic person age of the person is 80
Sir, i have cerical spindylysis, slup disc and rheumatoid arthritis, will pabchagavya gritham help me.
Not much useful.
It is useful for gas problem and cholesterol.
Hi Sir,
I am having fatty liver and stomatch bloating and gas. I am over obese. Can Panchya ghritha cure me.
Hi, this ghee may be useful.
Please consult a psychiatrist for further treatment.
Can it be useful in infertility cases?
Will it helps in solving male fertility issues.?
If infection, blockage are the causes, then it is used in the treatment of male fertility.
My sister is taking this product with mahapaishachikam grtham- each time she takes it she almost vomits due to the smell and finds it very difficult to swallow.
Do you have any advice to make it more bearable without reducing/hampering its effect?
Freeze it, take a small scoop, add a little honey or sugar, make a tablet out of it, swallow. Drink hot water.
How many times a day to treat depression???
5 ml, once a day is good in moderate depression, in the morning, 10 minutes before bath.
No. Please use dhurdhurapatradi taila – 10 minutes before hair wash, 2 – 3 times a week.
Can it
cure depression?
can Panchgavya be used for relieving cancer that has gone from prostate gland to lymph nodes and stomach?
Sir can we treat white spots (in human)please reply sir
I do not have a specific cure for white spots / leucoderma. Please consult a doctor directly.
Hi, unless prescribed, it is not good to take Panchagavya while feeding.
Can we take this ghrita on autism and ADHD in kids age 5?
what will be the dosage?
Panchagavya alone might not help. She may need to be admitted in hospital. Please consult a doctor directly.
Hi does it help in reducing digestive issues like GERD, bloated feeling, no hunger. I have these issues for a long time.
Hi Doctor,
I’m(36yrs) in a treatment of depression for the last 3years… First one year I took english medicine and ayurveda medicine through my Ayurveda doctor who is practicing as Clinical psychologist. And he prescribed me one tea spoon Panchagavya Grhita with warm milk before going to sleep..And i was feeling good.
As I shifted different location now I’m consulting and continuing english medicine with a Psychiatrist for the last two years.Now I’m feeling much better.
My query is after left from my Ayurveda doctor i was continued Panchagavya but not regularly.Now also I’m having Panchagavya once 3 months or 2.
Dr, Is it ok for me to continue Panchagavya without consulting Ayurveda Doctor.? And get the benefit of this in regular use?
Expecting reply.
Warm regards,
Joseph T
Hi, it is fine to take Panchagavya ghrita – for 1 month. Then give a gap of one month, and then continue again for next 1 month. This way, t can be continued for long period of time.
Muje testiculer cancer hua tha 2year pehle to maine usko opration karva ke right hand vali testic nikalva di hai muje 3days 5 cycle cimo diya hua hai
Abhi maea vaight 50kg hai meri hight170″hai to kya mai uska use kar sakta hu?
Sir I want to know if panchgavya and cow urine are same thing or different. I am a bit confused.
Panchagavya is a combination of cow milk, curd, ghee, urine, and cow dung filtered water.
Hello sir, my father have a heart disease(blocks in heart), so is it k to take panchagavya please suggest me
It may not open up the blokage completely, but it can be given.
One of my friend sajest me to take panchagavya, i do not have any idea about this medicine can you tell me the benefits of this medicine
It depends on your health condition.
Just 5 drops in half a cup of hot water / hot milk, at night, after food for 2 months, can be useful.
Dear Dr JV Hebbrar,
First of all, many thanks. I´ve started taking Panchavya and I have a question about the way to keep it once you have opened It. May I keep in the fridge or I must keep outside? I mean, If you keep ii n the fridge some effects are gone?
Thanks in advance.
Once you have opened it, you can keep in room temperature for about 4 – 6 weeks time. If you intend to keep it for more than 6 weeks, only then consider refrigeration.
Ayurveda does not recommend refrigerating medicines as it would add undesirable cold property to the medicine. It makes the medicine harder to undergo digestion.
How long does it take for moderation process?
What is moderation process?
10 ml, in the morning, empty stomach, can be take. After that, drink a cup of hot water.
After taking this ghee, better to not take anything (tea, coffee or breakfast) for at least 30 minutes.
Like this, it can be taken for a period of 10 days. Stop it after 10 days.
Hi, it is safe to take. Avoid excess spices, junk foods, pepsi cola etc.
Hello sir I have pain in foot .and burning foot plz suggest .
Hi…can panchgavya be given to infant of 10 months??
Only if prescribed by a qualified AYurvedic doctor.
Thank you doctor
Any yoga along with panchagavya gritham to balance vata pitta kapha also any particular pranayama for epilepsy
Pls suggest
I am thin. How would you suggest me to consume panchagavya ghritha for weight gain?
Thanks in advance.
It does not help in weight gain.
Can panchagavya grutham be used in treating psoriasis ? How to administer it ?
please advice if this ghrita will be beneficial for schzophernia patients – two drops nasya on a daily basis
Dear Sir,
Can we put panchgavya ghrit in nose, for treating depression / psychosis.
Thanks and regards
I am 28 year working professional,I get epilepsy attack during sleep,what would be better use of to get ride of it.
Sir, can this be used for treating sensorineural hearing loss?
Yes, but results may vary.
Can panchagavya gritham have effect on 4th stage liver metastatic cancer for 88:yrs old .how to find the effect when can I expect result
Sir, I am 29 years old , I am suffering from Chron’s disease last 7 years, Is this panchagavya ghritam medicine any useful to me.. please tell me sir..
Hello Dr.J.V,
Panchgavya Ghrita can be given to Downsyndrom Child.
What will be the benefits.
Yes, improved brain function and co-ordination.