Shatavari Gulam is a very famous Ayurvedic medicine, in herbal jam / paste form. It is widely used in the treatment of gynaecological conditions, diseases of urinary tract and liver complications. It is also known as Shatavari Guda, Shatavari gud, Shatavari gudam, Satavari gulam. Gulam refers to jaggery. This medicine is prepared in jaggery base.
Table of Contents
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(Caution: This product should strictly be used under medical supervision. Buy and use this product only if your doctor has advised it to you.)

- It is a common prescription Ayurvedic medicine for almost all the gynaecological complaints.
- it is used as Ayurvedic medicine for pcos, Ayurvedic medicine for menstrual pain, irregular menstrual cycles, heavy menstrual bleeding.
- It is used in the treatment dysuria, urinary tract infections, bleeding disorders, liver complications, jaundice, gonorrhoea, raktapitta, giddiness and burning sensation in stomach.
- It is given to restore energy of injured and emaciated people.
Doctors also use this for the treatment of stress and depression during or nearing to periods.
Its usage in uterine fibroid –
If there is menstrual irregularity, then it can help to some extent. But this is not directly indicated in treating the fibroid.
Traditional indications of Shatavari Gud
All types of urinary tract disorders associated with difficulty in urination – Vimshati Mutrakrichra
All types of urinary tract disorders, infections, including diabetes – Vimshati Prameha
Balances Vata and Pitta Doshas
Bleeding disorders such as nasal bleeding, ulcerative colitis – AsrukPitta
Muscle cramping – Mudhavata
Chronic liver disorder, Liver cirrhosis – Halimaka
Injury, accidents, blood loss – Kshata
Tissue loss, weakness, weight loss – Kshaya
Burning sensation in feet – Pada Daha
Chronic jaundice – Uddhata Kaamala
Gynecological disorders involving Vata and Pitta dosha – such as pain in vaginal region, dysmenorrhea, heavy bleeding, burning sensation – Yoni Dosha
Male and female infertility issue, PCOS, oligospermia – Rajo Dosha
Weak bones, osteoporosis – Asthi Srava
Menorrhagia, heavy periods – Asrugdhara
and many other Vata and Pitta disorders.
5 – 10 grams once or two times a day, before or after food as directed by Ayurvedic doctor
It is usually administered along with milk, honey or water.
Dosage for children below 5 years of age – 1 – 2 grams, once or twice a day, along with a teaspoon of honey or warm water / milk.
Dosage for children between 5 – 12 years of age – 5 grams once or twice a day along with a teaspoon of honey or warm water / milk.
Shatavari gula as body building supplement:
It restores energy very quickly. Hence, in a dose of 5 grams soon after exercise or at night, after food is good to take for 4 – 5 months time.
With western medicines
Seek your doctor’s advice if you are taking this product along with other western (allopathic/modern) medicines. Some Ayurvedic herbs can interact with modern medicine.
If both Ayurvedic and allopathic medicines are advised together, then it is best to take allopathic medicine first, wait for 30 minutes and then, after a gap of 15 – 30 minutes, take Ayurvedic medicine or as directed by the physician.
Can this be used while taking Homeopathic medicine?
Yes. This product does not react with homeopathic medicine.
With supplements like multivitamin tablets, Omega 3 fatty acids etc?
Yes. Generally, this product goes well with most of the dietary supplements. However, if you are taking more than one product per day, please consult your doctor for an opinion.
Side effects
There are no known side effects with this medicine.
Seek your doctor’s advice if you are diabetic. In diabetic patients, only if the blood sugar is under good control, then this medicine can be given
Ingredients, Contents, Reference
Shatavari Guda Ingredients:
Jaggery – 3.072 kg
Juice extract of Shatavari – Asparagus racemosus – 3.072 liters
Ghee – 768 g
Sugar – 192 g.
Shatavari juice extract is heated along with jaggery, sugar and ghee is added to it. Heating is continued till it gains semisolid form.
Then it is added with 12 grams of each of Cardamom, Mushali (Chlorophytum borivilianum), Gokshura (Tribulus), Black and white varieties of Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus), Tamalaki (Euphorbia nerifolia), Vidari (Pueraria tuberosa), Long pepper, Shilajeet, Vamshalochana (Bambusa bambos) – 192 g
Sahasrayoga Lehaprakarana 7
Shloka, Sanskrit Verse

Shelf life
3 years from the date of manufacturing. Once the bottle is opened, it is best to finish it within 4 – 5 months of time.
Other indication
Shatavari Gulam for gaining weight:
In a dose of 10 grams 2 times a day after food along with half a teaspoon of ghee and a cup of water for 3 months time can be useful in improving weight.
Will it increase weight, in an unwanted manner?
In a small dose of 10 grams per day (1 teaspoon 2 times a day), it does not increase weight. More than this, could.
Shathaavari Gulam
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(Caution: This product should strictly be used under medical supervision. Buy and use this product only if your doctor has advised it to you.)

Please consult your doctor before taking this medicine.
This article is written by Dr. Janardhana V Hebbar BAMS, MD (Ayu), PGDPSM, Managing Director, Easy Ayurveda Hospital.
It is reviewed by Dr. Shilpa Ramdas BAMS, MD (Ayu), Chief Ayurvedic Physician, Easy Ayurveda Hospital
114 thoughts on “Shatavari Gulam Uses, Dose, ingredients And Side Effects”
I bought this product Sathavaree Gudam so that I might stop my heavy menstrual bleeding due to Fibroids please do let me know if this is ok to take
many thanks and looking forward to your response much appreciated
Hi, for heavy periods, you may need other medicines along with this, such as Ashokarishta. Please consult an Ayurveda doctor in person for the right advice.
will it help to regularise irregular periods or missing periods
Respected Dr, Can my aunt who is around 50 years and 2 years back undergone Utres removal and Rectum cancer surgery and rectum reversal surgary take this and will it help her to get her body strength and brings health back to normal? She is slowly becoming fat and gaining weight.
Kindly advice
She can take this, assuming that she is not diabetic. But better to consult an Ayurveda doctor for full checkup and treatment.
Is it good for the early premature menopause in 29 yrs women
As per my analysis, you can take it – just a teaspoon per day for a period of 3 months. It, in this small dose will not have any impact on fibrosis.
Hello DR. one of my doctor told that I have high prolactine level and that is the reason I’m not getting conceived. So is this medicine helpful to reduce prolactin level?
No. Shatavari gulam is not useful in high prolactin levels. Please follow your gynecologist’s advice.
Hello sir,
Is this Ghulam useful to reduce prolactin levels in the body?
no it increases.
can this be used during pregancy? I have heard of taking Shatavari kalpa with milk during pregnancy but is it safe to take Shatavari gulam with milk instead during pregnancy?
you can definitely use this. you may need some other medicines also for which it is better if you consult an Ayurveda doctor personally.
I have pcos and throid problem.iam 34 yrs
old and trying for a second this gulam help me..
Hi doctor if I consume that any effect on my pregnancy.
hi.., you can take it, but it is preferably advised after delivery since it is a well known galactogague.
Is this product help to increase lactation?
Hi doctor,
To improve lactation what is the dosage ?
default dose is 3-6 gms before or after food along with milk.
Have it with cow’s milk warm preferabbly. It is effect is like a mixture of chawanprash and ashwagandha leham. This is preffer during summer. Increases urine, clears bladder. Best no side reaction drug for kidney problems.
there are lot more medicines like shatavari gulam, ashwagandha rasayanam, swamala compound etc of which the most suitable product for you and its dosage better be decided only after in person consultation with an Ayurveda doctor.
I have irregular periods and my doctor prescribed this with another tab to control over heat in body and piththa.. my doubt i am already 70 kgs now and am 30 yrs old .will this sathavari increase my weight?
Hi, in a small dose of 5 grams once or twice a day, for a period for 2 – 3 months time, it will not increase body weight.
Please exercise / do walking / jogging for at least 15 minutes per day.
I have pcos since a long time. I just started taking shatavarigulam 15 days back. Does it help in pcos? And how long should I take if it works for pcos?
Thanks for your reply. What other medicines should i take?
You can take it. – 1 teaspoon 2 times a day after food. for 3 months time.
many thank for your kind reply.
paola materazzi
Is it good for lucorreha
No madam.
shatavari gulam indications in Sahasrayogam :- mootrakrichram, prameham, vata, pitta, raktapitta, moodhavata, haleemakam, kshatam, kshayam, paadadaham, kamala, yonidosham, arthavadosham, asthisravam (leucorrhoea), raktasravam, and it is rasayana
Hello sir, I’m 30 yrs old women, I hve pcod. Til nw not concieved. 5yrs of marriage life gng on. Shathavari gulam helpful for me? Is it work for pcod and to concieve. ?
Hi, Shatavari gulam is useful in pcod. But you may need other medicines along with it. Please consult an Ayurveda doctor directly.
Read more about a few tips for PCOS here –
Hyee..I’m 23 old…I hv thyroid problem..nd my weight is 73 I hv joined aerobics classes…but it seems that I hv no stamina..I used to get tired n fatigue soon..compared to others…should I take this product for reducing weakness??
You can but please consult an Ayurveda doctor directly.
Dear vaidhya siromani
I have prostate / gall bladder cyst problem – I was advised chandra prabha, Brihatyadi kashayam,, morning and evening and Satavari gulam at night. I am 77 plus. Will or can this activate acidity or bloating? of late my stomach bloats especially early morning. My bowels are nearly normal.
I was on allopathy but 8 months ago I changed to Ayurveda.
Hi, I’m using shatavari gulam for increasing lactation. Can it cause low back ache and periods? I have observed that whenever I use it me periods starts even though it is not the time and my low back hurts pretty bad.
I’m using one tea spoon twice daily directly( not with milk). Please advice.
Hi, it can induce periods. Better to use Shatavari kalpa – 5 grams 3 times a day after food – for improving lactation.
Hi Dr,
When taking shathavari gulam do I have to follow a strict vegetarian diet ? Or Am I free to take it even when consuming non veg food
You are free to take non veg food.
Hi doc.
I have pcod . due to this reason I m not conceiving . my gynaecologist suggested me fertile super.isvit safe for me
Is amrutha satva and shatavari gulam same?
No. They are completely different.
Respected Doctor! Am 43 yr and diagnosed with diabetes last year but due to my strict diet habits, it came to almost non diabetic side 3 months ago. Hypo thyroid is in control. No other major health problems . Can satavari gulam help me maintain a balanced health? My periods are very perfect but sometimes I feel little dryness due to vitamine E deficiency. I observed the reduced breast size due to limiting the carbohydrates. Please suggest if this helps me to restore my balance.
Many thanks. Madhuri.
Hi, better to stop taking Shatavari.
I have a 5cm fibroid on outer side of uterus. I have delayed periods too.i have been prescribed kanchanara and navaka guggulu and ashokaritham and satavarigulam. Is this safe to use? Do any of these medicines worsen the delayed periods?
Does this increase weight as well? As i am underweight and I am having extremely bad periodic cramps.
It is also prescribed for men. You can take it.
Sir ,I am 44 much quantity & when it should be used , after food or before food.Please suggest me
Hello doctor, does it helps in increasing HB level during pregnancy??
It helps with infertility treatment, reduces body heat. Hence useful.
I recently got a Copper IUD for birth control after my marraige (we do not wish to have children at all) I am doing fine with it, no severe side effects except some cramps during periods and periods lasting longer like 8 or 10 days. I read it might take few months to become normal again. I never had any problem with my menstrual cycle, normal 25 or 28 days cycle and 4 days period with almost no pain or any other problem.
I want my periods to become normal soon. Can Shatavari help? Or taking Ashokrarisht or Dashmularisht will help better?
I dont wish to have a child and want my periods to be normal…so anything that increases fertility is not what I wish but I am thinking if Shatavari will help me without affecting Copper IUD or its effect.Please help.
Hi i have pcos and my period is only 2-3 days. Can this help me?
Hi doc. I’m having irregular period due to imbalance hormone. I will hv my re period on the 14th /15th day (ovulation time) and it will continues with brown spotting for another 2 wks till i gets my actual period back. Tried sathvaree gulam last yr for 2 mths. At that time, no in between period and cycle on 29th day. After stopped the med, problem started back redy till to date. Pls advise
Hi,sir shall I know how many days to use and how to use this? We have to mix it in water or directly?
It can be taken for 6 – 8 weeks time. It can be taken along with water. Take the medicine into mouth. Swallow it with water.
Hii,sir it can be helpful to become a pregnant?Or it can be helpful only for regular menstrual cycle
It is useful in treatment to become pregnant.
Hello doctor I am 22 right now. I have pcos problem. If I take this product it will cure or not. Because I tried lot of English medicine
sir can it be used in perimenopuase having symptoms like insomnia,irritability,anxiety?
enen though havng periods regularly for 26 days?
Does sathavarigulam help in control pcos symptoms …
And I have hypothyroidism ,if I take Harmon tablet then only I am getting period ,is it help me ?
It helps to some extent.
No. Better to consult a gynecologist directly.
It is normal. Please continue using it for 2 more months time.
Thanks for previous reply
Sir, iam 36 yrs old. Iam getting periods once in 35 days. I bought this medicine. Should i take in empty stomach or night? Along with milk or hot water? For howmany days?
Hi, i have uterus fibroid and my ayurvedic doctor advised Shatavari Gulam 2x a day. Will it work for me? Thanks
Is shatavari gulam helpful to gain weight in skinny teenagers?
Hello Dr Hebbar, Can this be consumed as a bodybuilding supplement ? i have read that Shatavari is a good supplement for bodybuilding.
Shatavari Gulam is similar to Shatavari ?
Ok. Thanks Much Doctor !!
Is above mentioned madicine remedy for pain occurring while urine pass…?
Hi, you can take it from 10th to 21st day of every cycle for 3 – 4 months.
hello doctor, I have endometriosis, is this medicine effective for treatment? What is the recommended dose? How long should I consume it?
Hi, you can take shatavari gulam. It will not decrease the effectiveness of IUD.
Hai I’m kavya .this medicine is uses for white discharge
hello Dr.. I am diagnosed with Pcos and trying to conceive.. How to consume shatavarigulam.. Advice Pls.
If we increase our weight while using this product. As I have a pcod problem?????
With a small dose of 5 grams once or twice a day, it does not increase weight.
Hello, i have fructose malabsorption and i have a uterine fibroid 4cm, but my period is normal. Should i take shatavari gulam to help to shrink my fibroid? Thanks
No. Kanchanara guggulu tablet – 2 tablet 2 times a day after food for 2 months can be more useful.
1 tablespoon 2 times a day after food is useful in your case.
It is not directly indicated in stroke treatment.
Is there any chances to delay of periods after having this leham for one week?
Is this helpful in breast enhancing
I am man having lean body.i want o increase weight . In addition i am having piles .is it safen for me to take this medicine shatavari gulam.
Thank you sir for ur valuable information and I wowou like to know how to use shatavari gulam and how many months I’ve to use it
1tsp 2 times a day for 2 months of time.
Does it help with stress/depression due to hormonal imbalance before/during Menses?
No problem.
After start this medicine how long will take to stop heavy menstrual bleeding
This is not particularly used in heavy bleeding. It may take 2 weeks time.
1tsp 2 times a day after food can be taken for 2 months of time.
Am going through menopause, hormone imbalance , anxiety , I have food allergies and allergic rhinitis does sathavari cause allergic reactions
Usually no.
How many days will take to regularise periods after usage of sathavarigulam
Depends on the cause. It may take 6 – 8 weeks.
Will shatavarigulam helps in redusing white discharge
I’m taking Dis for pcod prob, they told me to take for 40days… Will dis gain weight???
with just 40 days of use, it does not cause weight gain.
If this cure vulva and vaginal infection?
It can be useful.
Can this be used for treating PCOD
I am suffering with PCoD problem… Recently I have taken laparoscopy drilling for PCoD.. can I use this medicine and pls tell me how to consume it?
Hi , Will Shadavatigulam cause type 2 diabetes as it is made of sugar and jaggery…Im enquiring because I had geststional diabetes….and can this be used to treat interstitial cystitis.
Can it be taken during menstrual cycle?
Hi Doctor,
Is there any patya/food restrictions while taking satavareegulam .
What is Sathavaree Grutham? Can a man take that?
Hello Doctor,
I am having endometriosis & trying to conceive. Is Sathavarigulam helpful for it. Please reply.
Yes. But better to consult a doctor directly.