Mritasanjeevani sura is a very special Ayurvedic medicine in liquid form. This product is hailed for its ability to help even a dying person. It is basically an Asava preparation. It means, it is an Ayurveda wine product and it contains self generated alcohol. Compared to other Asava products, Mritasanjeevani Sura contains higher percentage of self generated alcohol. It is also called as Mritasanjivani arishtam.
Table of Contents
It is illegal to take Mritasanjeevani sura without a valid prescription by an Ayurvedic doctor. This product should always be taken under strict medical supervision.
The maximum allowed percentage of alcohol in this product, as per Drugs and Cosmetics Act is – 16 %
The maximum packing size allowed is 30 ml per bottle.
Mrit Sanjeevani Sura uses:
- It is used in the treatment to put on weight
- It improves immunity, nourishes body tissues
- Quickly restores strength to weak. Makes body firm and promotes zest.
- Useful in high fever, and recurring gastro-enteritis.
- It is both erotic and aphrodisiac.
Traditional claims
Traditional claims:
Improves body strength and stamina – Deha Dardhyahkara
Improves nourishment – Pushtikara
Improves strength and immunity – Balakara
Improves skin complexion – Varnakara
Improves digestion strength – Agnivardhana
Useful in chronic and life threatening conditions – Sannipata
Useful in life threatening fevers – Ghora Jwara
Useful in gastro enteritis, cholera – Visuchika
It is useful as the last resort to give life to a person – Sheete Dehe
Dose and pathya
Mruta Sanjeevani sura dose: 20 – 60 drops in divided dose in a day, usually administered after Pathya: Light pathya rules are to be followed.
With western medicines
Seek your doctor’s advice if you are taking this product along with other western (allopathic/modern) medicines. Some Ayurvedic herbs can interact with modern medicine.
If both Ayurvedic and allopathic medicines are advised together, then it is best to take allopathic medicine first, wait for 30 minutes and then, after a gap of 15 – 30 minutes, take Ayurvedic medicine or as directed by the physician.
Can this be used while taking Homeopathic medicine?
Yes. This product does not react with homeopathic medicine.
With supplements like multivitamin tablets, Omega 3 fatty acids etc?
Yes. Generally, this product goes well with most of the dietary supplements. However, if you are taking more than one product per day, please consult your doctor for an opinion.
Mritasanjeevani Sura Ingredients:
One year old jaggery – 12.288 kg is dissolved in
182.78 liters of water.
It is added with
Babbula Twak – Acacia arabica – 960 g
Pomegranate – 480 g
Vasa – Adhatoda vasica – 480 g
Mocharasa – Exudate of Bombax ceiba – 480 g
Lajjali – Touch me not plant – 480 g
Ativisha – Aconitum heterophyllum – 480 g
Ashwagandha – Withania somnifera – 480 g
Devadaru – Cedrus deodara – 480 g
Bilva – Aegle marmelos – 480 g
Shyonaka – Oroxylum indicum – 480 g
Patala – Stereospermum suaveolens – 480 g
Shalaparni – Desmodium gangeticum – 480 g
Prishnaparni – Uraria picta – 480 g
Brihati – Solanum indicum – 480 g
Kantakari – Solanum xanthocarpum – 480 g
Gokshura – Tribulus terrestris – 480 g
Indravaruni – Citrullus colocynthis – 480 g
Kola – Ziziphus jujuba – 480 g
Eranda – Ricinus communis – 480 g
Punarnava – Boerhaavia diffusa – 480 g
Betel nut – 1.536 kg
Dhattura – Datura metel – 96 g
Clove – 96 g
Padmaka – Prunus cerasoides – 96 g
Usheera – Vetivera zizanioides – 96 g
Red sandalwood – Pterocarpus marsupium – 96 g
Shatapushpa – Sounf -Foeniculum vulgare – 96 g
Yamani – Trachyspermum ammi – 96 g
Black pepper – 96 g
White caraway seed – 96 g
Shati – Hedychium spicatum – 96 g
Jatamamsi – Nardostachys jatamansi – 96
Cinnamon – 96 g.
Cardamom – 96 g
Nutmeg – 96 g
Mustaka – Cyperus rotundus – 96 g
Granthiparni – Leonotis nepetifolia – 96 g
Ginger – 96 g Fenugreek – 96 g
Meshashringi – Gymnema Sylvestre – 96 g
White sandalwood – Santalum album – 96 g
Purana Guda (one year old jaggery) is dissolved in water to which coarsely powdered drugs at Babbula Twak to Punarnava are added. The mouth of the vessel is covered with a lid, sealed and kept in a heap of grains. Powders of
drugs Betel nut to white sandal powder are added to the mixture after sixteen days and kept in a heap of grains for another 4 days. Thereafter, this is distilled in a Mayura Yantra / Baka Yantra or Mochika Yantra.
Shloka- Sanskrit verse

Mritasanjeevani Sura Reference: AFI Formulation – Part I. >
How long to use?
It is used for a period of 2-4 weeksSafe for kids? No.
Pregnancy and lactation
It is best to avoid this during pregnancy or lactation.
Expiry date and storage
Expiry date: 10 years from the date of manufacture.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed amber coloured bottle, protect from light and moisture.
Dabur, Leo Pharma, Rajan Ayurvedics, Nagarjuna – Mruthasanjjeevani
Legal troubles:
Dabur, along with the other two manufacturers were once caught by the drug department with this product containing 20.56 % of alcohol. (news)
Baidyanath was involved in a legal trouble with relation to the excise duty for this product. (news)
Please consult your doctor before taking this medicine.
This article is written by Dr. Janardhana V Hebbar BAMS, MD (Ayu), PGDPSM, Managing Director, Easy Ayurveda Hospital.
It is reviewed by Dr. Shilpa Ramdas BAMS, MD (Ayu), Chief Ayurvedic Physician, Easy Ayurveda Hospital
33 thoughts on “Mritasanjeevani sura – Uses – Dose, Ingredients And Side Effects”
Need this product in haryana is there any supplier in yamuna nagar
What are possible side effects of this product
cost? 1 bottle
good to get one
I have seen AVS Kottakkal is selling it in 450 ml size but you wrote larger than 30 ml pack size isn’t allowed. why so ?
They probably have got permission from drug licensing authorities, after confirming that the amount of naturally generated alcohol concentration is within 10 %
is it useful for thin and under weight person ? then dose ?
Is it useful to a breast feeding mother???
Does it increase pitta
Is the arishta from nagarjuna the same or different as their ingredients doesnt match..may be they are some sounth indian language they using for ingredients
If you have the product with you, please send the pic of ingredients of Nagarjuna Mritasanjivani sura to [email protected]
I will be able to verify it.
Thanks in advance
Dont hav right now..but will send you v soon. Ok dr. Does it increase kapha as well to some extent?
It does not increase Kapha much.
Can this medicine be given to cats imbalance patients ?
Better to consult a doctor directly.
Better to consult a doctor directly.
My father is heart disease patient. H/O Moderate Ascites & Right Pleural effusion & Grade I Enlargement of Prostate (Weight 29 gms), Liver, GB, Pancreas, Spleen & Kidneys, Urinary Bladder are normal. (As per USG Whole Abdomen Report on 21.03.2018).Right Pleural Effusion & Cardiomegaly ( As per CXR PA view report on 21.03.2018). He is also a diabetic, low blood pressure. Local Doctor says Ascites & Pleural Effusion differentiated from heart disease. He feels weak, non energetic & Sleepless ness. Mritasanjeevani sura & alopathy medicine both are also take. Please advice me.
How long one normal person can use it for weight gain
For 6 – 8 weeks.
Can diabetics patient of 48 yrs can take this product?
Did this help in treating asthma?
Did this help in treating asthma..if yes, how much to intake?
I have IBS problem.Is it good for ibs related problem?
can a diabetic patient can take this? is it safe for old women for general weaknesses
Yes, in small dose, under strict medical supervision.
Is it safe for kafa patient?
Is mrityu sanjivani sura helpful in insomnia ?