Khadirarishta is a liquid Ayurvedic medicine. It is also known by the terms khadirarishtam and Khadirarishta.
Khadirarishtam contains 5 – 10 % of self generated alcohol in it. This self generated alcohol and the water present in the product acts as a media to deliver water and alcohol soluble the active herbal components to the body.
Table of Contents
Khadirarishta is widely used in the treatment of skin diseases.
It is used in the treatment of –
All types of chronic skin diseases including leprosy – Mahakushta
Cardiac disorders – It is a good heart tonic – Hrudroga
Anemia, early stage of liver disorders – Panduroga
Tumors – Arbuda
Abdominal tumor – Gulma
Cysts – Granthi
Intestinal worms, wound with infection – Krumi
Cough – Kasa
Asthma, dyspnoea – Shwasa, Splenomegaly – Pleeha
Ascites – Udara
Doctors also use this for the treatment of –
Hair loss associated with scalp psoriasis, seborrhic dermatitis, dandruff etc.
Fungal infection, Tinea infection
Folliculitis, ingrown hairs
blood purification and anaemia
Balanitis, abscess, non healing wounds, carbuncle
Syphilis, Fungal infection, Jock itch, Herpes.
It is useful in the treatment of ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids.
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12 – 24 ml. one or two times a day, usually advised after food.
If needed, it can be mixed with equal quantity of water.
With western medicines
Seek your doctor’s advice if you are taking this product along with other western (allopathic/modern) medicines. Some Ayurvedic herbs can interact with modern medicine.
If both Ayurvedic and allopathic medicines are advised together, then it is best to take allopathic medicine first, wait for 30 minutes and then, after a gap of 15 – 30 minutes, take Ayurvedic medicine or as directed by the physician.
Can this be used while taking Homeopathic medicine?
Yes. This product does not react with homeopathic medicine.
With supplements like multivitamin tablets, Omega 3 fatty acids etc?
Yes. Generally, this product goes well with most of the dietary supplements. However, if you are taking more than one product per day, please consult your doctor for an opinion.
Diet and lifestyle restrictions for maximum benefits:
Avoid excess spicy foods, spicy pickles, direct exposure to afternoon bright sun and alcohol.
Side effects
A very high dosage than the prescribed may cause burning sensation in stomach.
One patient of 3 year old developed disturbed and shortened sleep after starting taking it for the treatment of vitiligo.
Seek your doctor’s advice for its usage during pregnancy.
It can be administered during lactation period and in children in lower doses.
Khadira – Acacia catechu – heart wood – 2.4 kg
Devadaru – Cedrus deodara – heart wood – 2.4 kg
Bakuchi – Psoralea corylifolia – Seed – 576 grams
Darvi – Berberis aristata – stem – 960 g
Haritaki – Terminalia chebula – 960 g
Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellirica – 960 g
Amalaki – Amla – Emblica officinalis – 960 g
Coarse powder of above is taken, added with water – 98.304 liters.
Boiled and reduced to 12.288 liter, Filtered.
This is added with
Makshika – honey – 9.6 kg
Sharkara – Sugar candy – 4.8 kg
Fine powder of
Dhataki – Woodfordia fruticosa – Flower – 960 g
Kankola – Piper cubeba – Fruit – 48 grams
Nagakeshara – Mesua ferrea – Stamen – 48 g
Jatiphala – Myristica fragrans – Seed – 48 g
Lavanga – clove – Flower bud – 48 g
Ela – cardamom – Seed – 48 g
Twak – Cinnamon – Stem bark – 48 g
Patra – Cinnamomum tamala – Leaves – 48 g
Krishna – Pippali – Long pepper fruit – 192 g
Method of manufacturing:
Ingredients from Khadira to Amalaki is taken in coarse powder form, boiled with the specified quantity of water, reduced to a quarter part to get decoction. It is filtered. It is added with sugar and mixed well, filtered again.
Then rest of the ingredients are added and kept in an air tight container which is smeared from inside with ghee for fermentation. After a month, it is taken out and filtered.
Shloka- Sanskrit verse
Bhaishajya Ratnavali 54/365-370, Sharangdhara Samhita, Madhyama Khanda 10/60-65
Shelf life: 10 years. Once after opening the bottle, it is better to empty it within 2 months.
Can Khadiraristam be given to children?
Safe for kids?
It is safe to use this medicine in lower dose, in children above 5 years of age.
Pregnancy and lactation –
During pregnancy, it is best to avoid this / take this only under medical supervision.
During lactation period, it can be taken in lower doses, based on doctor’s advice.
Zandu, Sandu, Dabur, Baidyanath, Arya Vaidya Sala, AVP, Nagarjuna – Khadiraarishtam
Expiry date: 10 years from the date of manufacture.
Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed amber coloured bottle, protect from light and moisture.
Can this be taken along with allopathic medicine?
Yes it can be taken with allopathic medicines.
This product is also called Khadira Arishtam, Khadirarisht, Kathira arishtam, kathira aristam, Khadirarishtam, Khadiraristam, Khadirarist, Kadirarist
Please consult your doctor before taking this medicine.
This article is written by Dr. Janardhana V Hebbar BAMS, MD (Ayu), PGDPSM, Managing Director, Easy Ayurveda Hospital.
It is reviewed by Dr. Shilpa Ramdas BAMS, MD (Ayu), Chief Ayurvedic Physician, Easy Ayurveda Hospital
122 thoughts on “Khadirarishta Uses, Side Effects, Ingredients And Dose”
Can this be taken as a daily skin tonic or is it a medicine to be taken when necessary?
this is to be necessary to take this medicine as a daily skin tonic i am telling you this on the basis of my own experience thankyou
does it have any effect on Psoriasis..Especially Palmoplantor psoriasis or keretosis
Dr.Namaskar, which company would be better for the khadirarist?
Will all companies get the same benefits for digestion?
Does khadirarist work for digestion ?
Can this be used for curing urtricaria (hives) disease for men and women
Is kadhirarista helpful for blood infection
Does khadirarist work for psorasis ?
it works.
How many days need to use for this Tonic for skin disease
It can be taken up to 2 – 3 months.
how long will it take to see improvement in acne marks??
About 6 – 8 weeks time.
Ayurveda Consultant advised me to use mix equal quantity of Khadirarishta and Aaranyarirshta.. Is it okay?
Does it contain alcohol? ??
And it contains sodium propyl paraben
N parabens causes breast cancer, so is it harmful fr me as im taking this for week nw
N very satisfied with the result as I was having pimples on body with itching, im cing results
So plz doc suggest me whta shud I do as im worried about the alcohol/n/parabens….
the alcohol in it is of very minimal quantity and is formed naturally. you can use this as long as your doctor suggests.
though khadirarista is useful for skin disorder, it will be better if you consult an Ayurveda doctor(lady) and take treatment only after thorough examination.
is it helpful for polysystic ovaries PCOD..?
it will help definitely. no problem if the dose and duration are decided by an Ayurvedic doctor. it will surely effect positively over itching. as the alcohol content in it is naturally formed and is in a very minute quantity it does not make addiction in later days.
Is this useful for neirofibromatosis
it can be used.
What medicines should be taken with khadirarist in chronicle ring worm infection
external application of Mahatiktaka lepam will do good along with this.
doctor can u prescribe me some ointment also for proasis
Is this useful for skintags
not much
Should i take it with water? (Cold or warm)
only if needed can be taken with equal if at all there is a symptom of gastritis etc.
dear sir,
can khadirarishtam and saraswatiaritham be taken morning and evening respectively. also will these cause any kind of instability during day time as this has self generated alcohol in it ?
Also Does Khadirarishtam has anything to do with obesity ?
Dear Doctor,
what lepam do you prescribe along with this for acne and pimples in face with black stubborn after pimple marks ?
What pathya rules has to be taken care of ?
kumkumadi taila or lepa can be used.
avoid oily and fatty food items, drink lot of water and eat healthy foods with fruits and vegetables.
Thanks a lot Dr Shishira,
please suggest me a lepam brand. Also i am searching for mukhadooshikari lepam after checking in this site, i could not find it online or in stores. Any other alternative face pack of them ?
It is similar to mahamangistarist
Witch better
I will take that as Mahamanjisthadyarishta Sir.
Khadirarishta is useful in:
It is used in the treatment of –
Mahakushta – all types of chronic skin diseases including leprosy.
Hrudroga – cardiac disorders – It is a good heart tonic
Panduroga – anemia, early stage of liver disorders
Arbuda – tumors
Gulma – Abdominal tumor
Granthi – cysts
Krumi – intestinal worms, wound with infection
Kasa – cough
Shwasa – Asthma, dyspnoea
Pleeha – splenomegaly
Udara – Ascites
Uses of Mahamanjisthadyarista
Blood disorders
Skin diseases
Eczema, itching
Roughness of skin
Sir I have hair fall problem. I consulted ayrvedic doctor and he gave khadirarishtam. How it will help me. Pls explain.
I’m using this.. And my mensus date is getting longer 10 days late… Kadhirarishta affect my regular periods??????
Madam, do follow the advice of the doctor as we are dealing with a kid. It is helpful in this case.
Madam, The line of treatment we follow in Ayurveda is this:
Ghritapana (oral administration of medicated ghee)
Vamana (emesis) (According to the need virechana-purgation can also be carried or else both are also recommended one after the other)
Shamana Aushadha (medicaments)- Both internal and external medication is carried.
For only oral intake you can take Khadirarishta.
To know more on Psorisis medication you can read :
Hi sir i can use the khadirarisht for obesity
No madam, It is used in the treatment of skin diseases.
Take half t/sp of chop chiniadi churna of baidyanath after lunch and dinner with water for one to two month.l have experienced,itching will be cured within a week.
Hi sir i can use the khadirarisht for eczema . How many months take it
After how much time after taking meal it should be take
Hello sir, Do take it 30 minutes after food.
Please consult a doctor directly.
Can khadirarisht also cause arbud ?It contains daruharidra which is an antitoxic and can cause dooshivisha which may cause arbud. How is it helpfull for arbud? Following some ayurevdic treatments with vishavilwadii vati ,I started developing allergic wounds/ulcers (external) which heal only thru turmeric and pretty fast (almost immediate effect)after taking it; otherwise it would not heal .The wound would be caused immediately by certain food items and herbs eg sariba, gokshura,giloy churna ,chironji etc.For the same my dr advised me to take khadirarisht, and since I took it I developed some small growth under my lower lip which continued to grow so i stopped taking khadirarisht.Now its been more than 2 months and the growth is still there fortunately its not much . So the question again is it for arbud or can it also cause arbud if taken under some condition as above?
Neither Khadirarishta nor daru haridra can cause arbud. This product is useful when the patient is undergoing chemotherapy / radiotherapy to reduce side effects.
In your case, khadirarishta might not have caused lip growth.
You can take Khadirarishta along with Haridra khanda. You may need to take this medicine for 2 months time.
Thank you doctor. What is your opinion about taking Maha Manjishtadi Kashayam in conjunction with the above two? I have been told that Maha Manjishtadi Kashayam is also very effective for Cholinergic Urticaria.
Better to consult a doctor directly. The cause for redness needs to be evaulated. Khadirarishta however, can be useful in a dose of 15 ml, 2 times a day.
Sir, white patch of 2 cm wide on hip
It is sensing .can use khadirarishta
What is the dose for how many days
Sar mere chehare or cheast par dane nikalte h mavad nikalta h khadirarishta
When using Kadirarista , any instruction in food
The food restriction is based on the disease condition.
There are no medicine specific food restrictions advised for this product.
I am using this for about 3 month for acne scars are still not over yet..!!
how long i need use this product??
Hi, if the scars are deep, this might not be useful.
How long will it take to see improvement in ring warm
2 – 3 weeks time.
Can diabetic person can use this medicine
Is it useful in case of pleva and chronic ringworm
hi can it be used for sugar control
Thank you ,Sir.
I hope you have consulted a doctor before starting Khadirarishta. It can be taken for up to 2 – 3 months time. Please discuss with your doctor regarding the time required for healing.
We live in Germany and we consulted an Ayurvedic doctor in Delhi.he has prescribed us khadiraristha 1 tsp and 1 Himalaya Purim tablet daily .Is these medicines are safe for children.had there is any effect on growth of children? Pls help
They are safe for children above 5 years of age. They do not have any side effect in the prescribed dose/
Can we take mahamanjisthadi kwath and khadirarishta both together. Is there any difference between them
can ckd patient take
Better to consult a doctor directly.
Theoretically, he can take, if not diabetic.
I am having severe nodular and cystic acne what else should i take with khadikarishta.
Doctor give your valuable opinion
Can it is used for piles
Is it suitable for my 77 yrs old, for chronic itch, eczema & Vitiligo, Can Gandhak Rasayan should be taken along with the same.
Is it useful for kelloids. How long will it take to disappear
It is not very useful in keloids.
Can Khadirarishta be used for red rash like hives. But not sure I have hives as the red patches were not raised bumps and do not itch or change locations. They are on my stomach and sides and back. Have had them about 4 weeks and got them after being bitten by a bug we call chiggers here in USA. The chigger bites them selves were red and very itchy and lasted a few weeks then started to fade away. But the red non-raised non itchy red rash on my stomach never itched and continues to remain. Will Khadirarishta help?
Hi doc
Saribadyasava with punarvarishtam khadirashtam Improve colour of the skin and remove toxins through kidneys
Best regards
Sir,can diabetic patient can take khadirarishta for eczema.If not what medicines should we use for eczema for diabetic patients.
Hi Doc
In which dosha it works ie is it neutralize
kapha , vata or tridosha
And It will be useful if you include
Particular medicines works on which dosha in your website
Warm Regards
Hi, it mainly balances Pitta and kapha Dosha.
Is this diuretic
Is all blood detoxifier in Ayurveda are diuretic
It has mild diuretic action.
All blood detox products are not diuretic.
Is there solution for pemphigus vulagares auto immune disorder in ayurveda
Hi, the alcohol in it is very minimal to cause any such symptom. Please continue it for 2 more weeks. If symptom persists, change the brand.
Can diabetic use khadirarishta
Is it useful for rosacea
I have lot of hair fall if I take this tonic is their any result
Hello doctor… khadirarishta helpful in treating simple adenaxal cyst or ovarian cysts……if not then wat can b given in this problem
Hi Doc, if I take this for purigo nodularis/ eczema.. will I experience a flare up?
Thank you for your response in advance!
No. There will not be flareups.
Only to some extent.
I have itching problem and has to take cetrizen every alternate day. For how long I have to take khadirarisht
No. Please consult an Ayurveda doctor directly.
Can balarishta and khadirarishta be mixed together?
No. But they can be taken together, one after the other, without mixing.
My son who’s 3.5 yrs was prescribed Khadirarishtan by an Ayurvedic doctor for the treatment of Vitiligo. He has been taking it for 6 weeks now along with another topical paste and oil. For the past 3-4 weeks (on and off) he has been waking up at night and early in the morning, which for him is unusal as he would sleep through the night and wake at 7. Could this be a side effect of the treatment?
Also, when I look up dosage online, it says nsuitable for kids 5 and up. Is it not safe for my son who’s 3?
Hi, in a small dose of 5 ml, mixed with 10 ml water, 2 times a day after food, it does not cause or increase gastric problems.
Any Pathyam (food/drink to be avoided) is advised while taking this medicine.
Will this help to reduce boils on body (Shoulder/hand/back).
Thank You.
Avoid excess spicy foods, spicy pickles, direct exposure to afternoon bright sun and alcohol.
Hello sir!
I have known and used this product many times now to cure my acnes and it is very effective however I can never continue continuing the same as it gives me cold after 10-15 days of continuously consuming it. Please suggest a way so that I can avoid the cold and continue consuming it.
Take a pinch of ginger powder after consuming it.
Sir i m having gastric trouble . Should i continue khadirarishti or stop it for some days . M taking it for urticaria
Can we consume khadirarishtam along with Balarishtam and Dasamularishtam? Please adivise
Syphilis disease me kaam karega kya sir
Is it useful for folliculitis and ingrown hairs?
Is it beneficial along with rakthamruth (Sitaram) for blood purification and anaemia?
How long khadirarishta should be taken?
For up to 2 – 3 months time.
1st m taking Dabur Khadirarishta syrup and now m taking Baidyanath Khadirarishta syrup is that any problem create for me or any side effects
Both are good products. They are good to continue.
Sir, I’m 16 years old boy. Can i consume khadiraristh for itching and acne problems. How much dose for me.
Wish all basic Ayurveda principles were taught in all schools worldwide. Not everyone will become doctor or even study in depth to help self. But the basics should be known to stop disease. This modern medicine is for treating people when it is too late to do anything. I.e. chronic. chronic. chronic! I hated materialistic education but would have lapped this up. Thank you.
Can you mix gluconeogenesis D with khadirarishtam liquid for a better taste?
Can I smoke if I’m taking Sandu Khadirarishta for skin diseases for acne??
Yes, but I hope that you know that smoking is not good for health.
sir I’ve started vitiligo which medicine is best for this problem
I am taking diabetic medicine. Can I take khadirarist for skin allergy?
I have jock itching problem from last 3 year.can i start to use khadirarishta for this disease. Also for how many montj should i consume?
It can be useful, but you also may need cream or oil for local application.
This can be taken for 4- 6 weeks time.
Sirji,can I take khadirarishta after milk and bread????
Stop the medicine immediatly if u r having gastric trouble and consult with your doctor. They will suggest you better alternative..