Piyush Valli Ras is an Ayurvedic medicine in tablet form, used in treatment of digestive disorders, liver conditions etc. This medicine should only be taken under strict medical supervision. This medicine is most commonly used in north Indian Ayurvedic practice.
Table of Contents
ToggleUses and effect on dosha
Piyush Valli Ras Uses:It is used in the Ayurvedic treatment of liver and spleen disorders, indigestion, malabsorption syndrome, diarrhoea, fever, dysentery, bleeding per rectum, bloating, puerperal disorders, menorrhagia, female infertility, urinary tract disorders.
Effect on Tridosha – Balances Vata and Pitta.
Dose and duration of use
Peeyush Valli Ras dosage:
250 – 500 mg once or twice a day, before or after food or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor. It is advised along with heated bael fruit and jaggery.
How long to use: It is administered for a period of one month.
With western medicines
Seek your doctor’s advice if you are taking this product along with other western (allopathic/modern) medicines. Some Ayurvedic herbs can interact with modern medicine.
If both Ayurvedic and allopathic medicines are advised together, then it is best to take allopathic medicine first, wait for 30 minutes and then, after a gap of 15 – 30 minutes, take Ayurvedic medicine or as directed by the physician.
Can this be used while taking Homeopathic medicine?
Yes. This product does not react with homeopathic medicine.
With supplements like multivitamin tablets, Omega 3 fatty acids etc?
Yes. Generally, this product goes well with most of the dietary supplements. However, if you are taking more than one product per day, please consult your doctor for an opinion.
Peeyush Valli Ras ingredients, how to make:
10 g fine powder of each of
Suta – Purified and processed Mercury
Shuddha Gandhaka – Herbal purified Sulphur
Abhraka Bhasma – Purified and processed Mica
Rajata Bhasma – Bhasma of Silver
Loha Bhasma – Bhasma prepared from Iron
Tankana Bhasma – Borax
Rasanjana – Aqueous extract of Berberis aristata
Makshika Bhasma – Bhasma of Copper-Iron Pyrite
Lavanga – Clove – Syzygium aromaticum
Chandana – Sandalwood – Santalum album
Musta – Nut grass (root) – Cyperus rotundus
Patha – Cyclea peltata
Jiraka – Cumin – Cuminum cyminum
Dhanyaka – Coriander – Coriandrum sativum
Lajjalu – Touch-me-not plant – Mimosa pudica
Ativisha – Aconitum heterophyllum
Lodhra – Lodh tree (bark) – Symplocos racemosa
Kutaja – Connessi Bark – Holarrhena antidysenterica
Indrayava – Connessi seed – Holarrhena antidysenterica
Twak – Cinnamon – Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Jatiphala – Nutmeg (fruit) – Myristica fragrans
Chirabilva – Holoptelea integrifolia
Kanakabeeja – Dhattura – Datura metel – seeds
Dadima – Pomegranate – Punica granatum – Bark
Samanga – Lajjalu – Touch-me-not plant – Mimosa pudica
Dhataki – Fire Flame Bush (flower) – Woodfordia fruticosa
Kushta – Saussurea lappa
Juice extract of Bhringaraja – Eclipta alba quantity sufficient for grinding
Chagadugdha – Goat milk – quantity sufficient for grinding
Reference and side effects
Reference: Bhaishajya Ratnavali Grahani Rogadhikara 394 – 405
Piyusha Valli Rasa side effects:
There are no recorded side effects with this medicine.
It should be taken under strict medical supervision. Take this medicine only if your Ayurveda doctor has prescribed it to you.
Store in a cool dry place, in an air tight container, away from direct sunlight.
Use this medicine only till the prescribed time and in the prescribed dose only.
Seek your doctor’s advice for its usage during pregnancy, lactation and in children.
Keep out of reach and sight of children.
Shloka (Sanskrit Verse)

Please consult your doctor before taking this medicine.
This article is written by Dr. Janardhana V Hebbar BAMS, MD (Ayu), PGDPSM, Managing Director, Easy Ayurveda Hospital.
It is reviewed by Dr. Shilpa Ramdas BAMS, MD (Ayu), Chief Ayurvedic Physician, Easy Ayurveda Hospital