Arogyavardhini Vati Benefits, Dose, Ingredients, Side Effects

Arogyavardhini Vati is an Ayurvedic medicine in tablet form. It is used in the treatment of liver diseases, fever, skin diseases, etc. This product should be taken under strict medical supervision. This medicine has been formulated by Acharya Nagarjuna. 

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(Caution: This product should strictly be used under medical supervision. Buy and use this product only if your doctor has advised it to you.)


Arogyavardhini Vati Uses: 

  • It is used in the treatment of acute and chronic fever, obesity, liver disorders, anorexia
  • It improves digestion power, clears waste products from the body,
  • It acts as cardiac tonic.
  • It is also used as co prescription with other medicines in different conditions. It acts as a catalyst.
  • Because it is useful in liver disorders and balances Pitta, it is widely used in skin diseases such as hyper-pigmentation, acne etc.
  • Drug induced liver injury and damage


Ayurveda doctors also prescribe this for the treatment of –
Skin diseases
Obesity management
High cholesterol
Irritable bowel syndrome
Discoloured skin patches on face
Alcohol induced liver disorders.
Gall stones – cholelithiasis
Gall bladder inflammation – cholecystitis
Fever of unknown origin
Infectious disorders
Liver supportive medicine
Hypothyroidisim, auto-immune thyroiditis

Effect on Tridosha – Balances Vata, Pitta and Kapha.


Arogyavardhini Gutika Ras dosage: 

120 – 500 mg once or twice a day before or after food or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor. It is usually administered along with honey, fresh ginger juice, neem juice, water or milk.

How long to take?  This medicine can be safely taken for a period of upto 4 – 6 months, based on your doctor’s prescription.

With western medicines
Seek your doctor’s advice if you are taking this product along with other western (allopathic/modern) medicines. Some Ayurvedic herbs can interact with modern medicine.
If both Ayurvedic and allopathic medicines are advised together, then it is best to take allopathic medicine first, wait for 30 minutes and then, after a gap of 15 – 30 minutes, take Ayurvedic medicine or as directed by the physician.

Can this be used while taking Homeopathic medicine?
Yes. This product does not react with homeopathic medicine.

With supplements like multivitamin tablets, Omega 3 fatty acids etc?
Yes. Generally, this product goes well with most of the dietary supplements. However, if you are taking more than one product per day, please consult your doctor for an opinion.

Side Effects

  • Self medication with this medicine is not desired. Consult your doctor before taking this medicine.
  • Take this medicine in precise dose and for limited period of time, as advised by doctor.
  • Over-dosage may lead to skin rashes and toxic symptoms.
  • During pregnancy, lactation and in children, take the medicines only if your doctor has prescribed it, that too for a short period of time.
  • Keep out of reach and sight of children. Store in a dry cool place.


Arogyavardhini Ras ingredients, how to make:
Shuddha Parada – Herbal purified Mercury – 10 g
Shuddha Gandhaka – Herbal purified Sulphur – 10 g
Loha Bhasma – Bhasma prepared from Iron – 10 g
Abhraka Bhasma – Purified and processed Mica – 10 g
Tamra Bhasma – Bhasma prepared from Copper – 10 g
Haritaki – Chebulic Myrobalan fruit rind – Terminalia chebula – 20 g
Vibhitaki – Belliric Myrobalan fruit rind – Terminalia bellirica – 20 g
Amalaki – Indian gooseberry fruit – Emblica officinalis Gaertn. – 20 g
Shilajatu – Asphaltum – 30 g
Pura – Guggulu – Indian bedelium (gum resin) – Commiphora mukul – 40 g
Chitra – Eranda – Castor – Ricinus communis – 40 g
Tikta – Katuki – Picrorhiza kurroa – 220 g
Juice extract of Nimba – Neem – Azadirachta indica – Quantity Sufficient.
Fine power of above ingredient is ground with the neem juice extract, made into paste and pills are prepared.

I have liver problems due to alcohol. Can I take it?
You cannot take this medicine on your own. Please consult a doctor directly. The dose and time duration of this medicine should be fixed by the doctor for you.

Reference and Research

 Rasendrasarasangraha Jwara Rogadhikara 13 – 105

Safety evaluation – An experimental evaluation of Arogya Vardhini Bati in Wistar strain rat with respect to toxicity, with biochemical parameters (acetyl-cholinesterase activity, malondialdehyde, reduced glutathione), histopathology and mercury level in brain, liver, kidney were assessed after administration for 28 days.
The finding of the present study suggests that Arogyavardhini vati in the doses equivalent up to 10 times of the human dose administered to rats for 28 days does not have appreciable toxicological effects on brain, liver and kidney.
J Ethnopharmacol. 2012 Mar 6;140(1):151-60. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2012.01.004. Epub 2012 Jan 14.


 Divya Pharmacy,  Dabur, Baidyanath, Shree Dhootapapeshwar Ltd, Zandu

Commonly Used Combinations

For Skin disorders
with Vatakapha aggravation – Arogya vardhini Gutika ras is administered along with Mahamanjishtadi kashaya.

In cases of anasarca, it is administered along with digitalis leaf powder (60 – 120 mg) or Punarnavadi kashayam.
In case of constipation, it is usually administered along with Abhayarishta or Gandharvahastadi kashayam
In case of Kamala, it is administered along with Katuki choorna and Moolaka swarasa..
In case of obesity, it is administered along with Ayaskruti, Triphala choorna or Varanadi Kashayam

Click to buy Arogyavardhini Gutika

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(Caution: This product should strictly be used under medical supervision. Buy and use this product only if your doctor has advised it to you.)

Please consult your doctor before taking this medicine.
This article is written by Dr. Janardhana V Hebbar BAMS, MD (Ayu), PGDPSM, Managing Director, Easy Ayurveda Hospital.
It is reviewed by Dr. Shilpa Ramdas BAMS, MD (Ayu), Chief Ayurvedic Physician, Easy Ayurveda Hospital

116 thoughts on “Arogyavardhini Vati Benefits, Dose, Ingredients, Side Effects”

    • Im taking this medicine from last one year..when i take this medicine my digestion system good and healthy..but last some time i have not this medicine..sir can u inform me where did form i get it..i want only impcl company medicine

  1. Ive had 2 relapses of endometriosis firbrocycstic breast disease severe constipation fissures skin problems like acne on legs n buttocks n cant lose weight inspite of diet and exercise my friend recommended Medhohar vati and Araogyavardhini vati will it help is it safe for me

  2. If some one gets boils (acne with puss) every 4-5 days. Can he/she take this medicine for a short time. Please advise any alternate medicine for Boils.


  3. Between Arogyavardhini Vati and Liv.52, which is the most preferable, safe and effective herbal medicine for liver problems. I prefer Liv.52 than Arogyavardhani Vati. Please advice on this subject and oblige.

  4. I have almost 275 cholestrol and my doctor prescribe kumari asava and arogya vardhani no 1 it useful to maintain cholestrol..

    • If you have low digestive enzymes problem, then this can surely help. There are better medicines for acidity than this.

      Read more – 10 Ayurvedic remedies for acidity and gastritis –

  5. i have two gallstones in my gallbladder ,so could you tell me is this product help me in dissolving the gallstones

  6. Is Arogyavardhini and Medoharvati by Patanjali safe for me for high LDL CHOLESTEROL.? I got chemotherapy 3 years back as I had ovarian cancer

  7. I have psoriasis from last 2 months. Pantanjali vaid give me this medicine to take 2 tablet twice a day.. is this vati really works for psoriasis? how much time it will take to better result? can we take alopathic medicine with arogyabardhini vati?

    • sory for the problem you have got. although it protects liver, as arogyavardhini vati also contains loha bhasma in it, it may further elevate your iron level. that’s why it may not help you.

  8. arogyavardhini vati is definitely good for liver problem. but first you confirm with your Homeopathy doctor whether you can use other system of medicine along with. and if you want to switch on to Ayurveda it is better to consult an Ayurveda doctor personally and take advice rather on line advice.

  9. for fatty liver i have been recommended, Arogya Vardhani Vati and Kumariaasav

    1) are these correct ?
    2) are there stages in fatty liver ?

  10. Doctor I have 8mm gall stone. Does Arogyavardini along with Varanaadi Kashayam tablet flush out stone from gall bladder? It was prescribed by ayurvedic doctor. Also does this combination of tablet works on diabetes as well?

  11. sir, i have to submit an assignment, how we use a lab for preparation of ayurvedic drugs. couldyou please let me know some guidelines regarding of that? thank you.

  12. Does Varanaadi or arogyavardini results in weight loss? or for that matter gallstone results in weight loss? I have become slim but weight is still 66 Kgs compared to 68 Kgs 6 months back…

  13. Hello Sir, Anal fistula is a condition that requires the right combination of diet coupled with appropriate modifications in the daily routine of a person in terms of the time of meals, exercise, sleeping habits etc. Natural herbs given for a few months ( approx. 3 to 6 months) can heal fistulas permanently.
    Kindly consult a Ayurvedic Physician and get the right treatment for it.

  14. I am having TSH 6.7. Ayurvedic doctor prescribed Arogyavardhini vati, Kanchnar gugal vati and Vridhivadhika. Will these tablets helpful to cure this problem?

    • Dr JV Hebbar,
      Thank you for your reply. I have noticed a slight return of symptoms so I include high doses of garlic tablets mid-day to also work as a natural antibiotic. Should I take more than 1 Arogyavardini tablet in the am and pm?
      Appreciate any other guidance for killing off gram negative bacteria in the small intestines using natural Ayurvedic products.

  15. hello sir i have taken all the pack of hepatitus B not chronic but i had purchased from patanjali site,,so should i use this whole pack as mentioned in the pack or not
    i ‘m not in any under physician or doctor ,,,,,,is it helpful to take or not…….?

  16. Doctor prescribed me panchanimbadi vati along with arogyavardhini vati for blood purification..Is it good for discoloration on face and neck?

  17. Doc suggest me to hav 2 tab panchanimbadi vati and 2 tab arogyavardhini vati two times a day fro facial discoloration and neck pigmentation..
    Is it safe to use

    • I would suggest 2 tab Panchanimbadi vati and haridra khanda.

      For personal health advice, please consult an Ayurveda doctor directly.
      If you want my help in finding a good Ayurveda doctor for you, then let me know your place.

      For email advice (not a reliable option, we do not promise any cure), please write to our health expert Prof. Dr Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu), PhD, here (paid service) –


  19. Hallo sir
    One doc prescribe me
    Arogyavardhani vati two tab twice
    Amalaki.rasayan churns half ts twice
    And sapta mahirshi hair tonic
    For my hair growth

    I dont hv any other problem
    Should i continue this

    • Hi I am 23 and someone recommended me Arogyavardhini Bati. I have problems with my skin, I get very itchy in hot weather and also get goosebumps feeling and redness. So my friend recommended this to take for 1 week twice a day. So please advice. How much should I take and would it cure it. Thanks.

  20. Hello sir
    I feel heaviness in upper left side of abdomen with low pain. After meals pain slightly increases and chest burn. Some time I feel constipation and some time LOOSE motion. This process repeats within months or some time it take more time. An ayurved doctor advice me arogywardhni vati and udramriti vati and Amma juice and alovea juice. Is it rights to take it. Please give advise.

  21. It is hot in nature. Mouth ulcer may be due to this. Please stop it and consult an Ayurveda doctor directly. Do not go with the advice of Baba Ramdev Shopkeepers. They are not qualified Ayurveda doctors. They do not have rights to prescribe Ayurvedic medicines.

  22. Sir I have been getting pimples on my face recently and doctor had asked me to take aarogyavardhini. I have no other problem.I have been taking this medicine since 15 days but there is no reduction in pimples

  23. Kamal says:

    I am prescribed arogyavardhini twice a day for 6 weeks after lunch for treatment of small gall stones in gall bladder and excess of bile thickened.

    Is it appropriate for my case.

    Thanks a lot for your advice.

  24. good morning sir.. I have read that in kalpa method of chronic diseases..IBS
    ASARSA ROGA that 200mg of arogyavardhni with 500mg os shnka bhasma.AM> PMg increased by 200mg per day upto 2400mg maintained for 8 more days and gradually decreases by 200mg per day and to stop on 31 st day with diet restrictions

  25. Hi sir i AM from tumkur. I have right abdomen pain. Doctor told me it May ibs, colits, i have digestión problem and gastritis. Doctor suggested me aarogyavardhinivati , bhunimbadi kashaya, kutaja parpativati and bilagyl. But i have still gastritis problem like sour and bitter taste water in throth, chest pressure, difficulty swalloing. Í have already made endoscopy. But its normal so pls tell me what shall i do.

  26. Hi doc, Recently i was diagnosed with small 3 mm polyp in gallbladder .doc told it is not harmful until this size and need to maintain proper diet .Do you have any advise .I am sensitive cold climate gets cold if i am exposed more time to cold climate ,had right hernia surgery and occasional constipation

  27. Dr.
    Can Arogyavardhini taken for skin Problems. When take it for 10 days some boils in the skin occured.

    . Whether it can be continued.

  28. Sir I have a hyperpigmentation in face nose or chicks, in 4years,,useful Aarogyavardini gutika,, I am consult the aurved doctor and suggest Aarogyavardini gutika in 2mnths use,,,, Sir this medicine use ful hyperpigmentation,,I request plz tell me sir.

  29. Hello doctor .I am iswarya my daughter is 10 years old.she has small boils in her can I give arogyavardhini Vatican
    Pls tell me sir

  30. Sir I’m having deficiency of iron ,d3,b12
    Our doctor suggested to take arogyavardhini ,punarnavasa but on the bottle it is given that it is used for liver problems etc
    I didn’t found any of my problem which I’m suffering from.
    Is this combination safe to take? Plz respond soon sir

  31. Sir I am suffering fatty liver problem. With hyper acidity ,gas and constipation .my doctor suggest
    Kamdudh ras tab .
    Suthsekhsr ras tab.
    Arogyavardhini tab.
    Amlapitta misran syrup.
    Is this right

  32. I have genital herpes type 2
    can I take mahamanjihsthadi kwath with arogyavardhini gutika ?

    is it good to cure permanently with these two medicines ?

  33. Hi,

    I am having fistula and my doctor advised me to take arogyavardhini 2 tablets at night with milk along with other medicines like saptvinshati guggul 2BD, amrita guggul, Kaishor guggul, triphala guggul, 1BD each and Kankayan and apamarg kshara for local application.

    My query is what’s the purpose of giving Arogyavardhini with milk at night? Does it help in digestion or virechan or both?



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