Gandha Thailam is a famous Ayurvedic medicine used in treatment of Arthritis, fractured bones and weak bones. It is taken internally. Gandha Thailam capsules are also available, which helps in easy oral administration.
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(Caution: This product should strictly be used under medical supervision. Buy and use this product only if your doctor has advised it to you.)

Gandha Thailam Benefits:
It is mainly targeted towards improving bone mass and strength.
It is useful in the treatment of arthritis, osteoporosis, Fracture,
Joint dislocation such shoulder dislocation
It helps to improve strength of bones, joints and ligaments.
It is also used in the treatment of ligament injuries.
Useful in improving hair growth. Because it supports the Asthi Dhatu – bone tissue, Hair is related with Asthi, hence it is useful to promote hair growth.
Useful in sacroilitis and sciatica, sprained muscles, ligaments
It is used for treating torn ligaments such as ACL
Useful in lumbar and cervical spondylosis, slipped disc, calcaneal spur,
Road traffic accidental injuries.
Post viral fever, when the patient complains of body, muscle and joint pains
Bursitis trochanterica,
Crushed bone injury
Effect on Dosha:
Balances Vata and Pitta.
Gandha Thaila Dose:
5 – 10 drops once or twice a day, usually administered before food with warm milk or warm water or suitable Kashayam, or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor.
Dosage of Gandha Thailam capsule is – usually 2 capsules 2 times a day before food.
With western medicines
Seek your doctor’s advice if you are taking this product along with other western (allopathic/modern) medicines. Some Ayurvedic herbs can interact with modern medicine.
If both Ayurvedic and allopathic medicines are advised together, then it is best to take allopathic medicine first, wait for 30 minutes and then, after a gap of 15 – 30 minutes, take Ayurvedic medicine or as directed by the physician.
Can this be used while taking Homeopathic medicine?
Yes. This product does not react with homeopathic medicine.
With supplements like multivitamin tablets, Omega 3 fatty acids etc?
Yes. Generally, this product goes well with most of the dietary supplements. However, if you are taking more than one product per day, please consult your doctor for an opinion.
In this herbal oil, the herbs are infused in the medium of sesame oil along with herb water decotion. Then the solid waste herb materials are filtered out. Thus, this oil contains oil soluble and water soluble phyto-active principles of medicinal herbs.
Method of preparation
Sesame seeds are tied into a bundle in a cloth, allowed to stay in flowing water for seven days. Then it is soaked in milk and decoction of madhuka (Licorice – Glycyrrhiza glabra) daily and dried in shade. This is continued for seven days. Once again it is soaked in milk, removed from its husk and powdered, it is then mixed with fine power of herbs – from (Nalada to Eladi Gana herbs listed above), and macerated with milk.
Then herbal oil is cooed with above drugs, added with paste of group of herbs (from Shaileya to Durva listed above), milk and oil.
Ashtanga Hrudayam Uttara Sthana 27/36 – 41 – Bhanga Pratishedha Adhyaya
Gandha Tailam Ingredients:
Sesame seeds – Sesamum indicum
Cow Milk
Madhuka – Licorice – Glyzyrrhiza glabra
Nalada – Vetiveria zizanioides
Valaka – Coleus vettiveroides
Lohitayashtika – Robia cordifolia
Nakha – Naguna (?)
Mishi – Anethum sowa
Plava – Cyperus rotundus
Kushta – Saussurea lappa
Balatraya -Bala – Sida cordifolia
Atibala – Abutilon indicum
Mahabala – Grewia populifolia
Aguru – Aquilaria agallocha
Kumkuma – Crocus sativus
Chandana – Sandalwood – Santalum album
Sariva – Hemidesmus indicus
Sarala – Pinus roxburghii
Sarjarasa – Vateria indica
Maradaru – Cedrus deodara
Padmakadi Gana – Group of herbs explained as Padmakadi Gana
Eladi Gana – Group of herbs explained as Eladi group
Shaileya – Parmelia perlata
Rasna – Pluchea lanceolata
Amshumati – Desmodium gangeticum
Kaseruka – Scirpus grossus
Kalanusari – Polyalthia longifolia
Nata – Lobelia nicotianaefolia
Patra – Cinnamomum tamala
Rodhra – Symolocos racemosa
Ksheerashukla – Kakoli – Roscoea purpurea
Durva – Cynodon dactylon
Shloka Sanskrit Verse

AVN Ayurveda Formulations Pvt. Ltd. – This company also manufactures a soft gel capsule called as Zeotone capsule which is used for strengthening bone and osteoporosis.
AVP, Kottakkal
Nagarjuna – Gandha Thailam
Q: Does Gandha tailam help in dental caries and to regrow enamel?
Gandha tailam is traditionally used in treating fractures, osteo arthritic joints etc. – It improves Asthi dhatu (bone tissue).
Teeth is also a product of Asthi dhatu. Hence, oil pulling (or gargling) with Gandha tailam for 10 minutes per day, in the morning should be helpful in improving tooth decay and regrow enamel.
Along with this, oral intake of Gandha tailam – 5 drops, once or twice a day, for 2 months time is also equally beneficial.
Does it increase Vitamin D in the body?
No. It does not supplement body with Vitamin D.
Can patients with peptic ulcers use this medicine for arthritis?
Yes. it does not worsen peptic ulcers or gastritis. For them, it is best to take this medicine after food.
Before food or after food?
This medicine can be used before or after food. Usually the gap between meals and this medicine is 15 minutes.
Is it used for external application?
No. It is used for oral administration.
Does it increase cholesterol?
No. It can be taken by people with high blood cholesterol levels.
Does it promote hair growth?
It improves the strength of bone tissue. Hair is told as a by-product of bone tissue so it is useful to promote hair strength and growth.
Can Gandha Thailam be used for stiffness of fingers?
During pregnancy, lactation
you were using this oil before pregnancy without any allergic reaction, you can
continue using this oil even during pregnancy.
If you have not used this product before and wish to use it during pregnancy,
better to consult a doctor because it can cause skin allergy in some rare
It is generally considered as safe to use during lactation, however consult
your doctor for the right advice.
Can this product be applied after steam therapy?
No. Oil is best applied before steam therapy. This is as per basic Ayurvedic principles.
Differences – Yogaraja guggulu
What is the difference between Gandha tailam and Yogaraj guggulu? They both are used for treating arthritis, weak bones and joints.
Gandha tailam is specific to build back the eroded bones, joints and ligaments. It also soothes down the nerve irritation and hence relieves pain associated with arthritis, knee joint and backache.
Yogaraja guggulu largely helps in pain and swelling reduction. To a lesser extent, it also rejuvenates the discs, reduces nerve irritation and improves joint movement by relieving stiffness.
Some doctors prescribe Gandha tailam along with Yogaraja guggulu to counter neck pain, stiffness and at the same time to rejuvenate the discs and reverse spondylosis changes.
Read more about Yograj Guggul here
A clinical research has been conducted on Gandha thailam. For this study, 51 subjects suffering with osteoporosis were administered with gandha tailam oil. The research study revealed that Gandha tailam improved Bone Mineral Density, and reduced serum osteocalcin, indicating that Gandha tailam acts as an inhibitor of bone resorption. It helps to retain the bulk of the bone mass, denying the bone degeneration.(1)
Click to buy Gandha Tailam Soft Gel Capsules
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(Caution: This product should strictly be used under medical supervision. Buy and use this product only if your doctor has advised it to you.)

Please consult your doctor before taking this medicine.
This article is written by Dr. Janardhana V Hebbar BAMS, MD (Ayu), PGDPSM, Managing Director, Easy Ayurveda Hospital.
It is reviewed by Dr. Shilpa Ramdas BAMS, MD (Ayu), Chief Ayurvedic Physician, Easy Ayurveda Hospital
94 thoughts on “Gandha Thailam Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Ingredients, Reference”
Hello Dr.Hebbar,
I am having tennis elbow in both forearms for over a year since i injured them in gym more so the right forearm.The pain has lessened but hasn’t gone completely and keeps coming back intefering in my daily activities.
After reading your articles I have started this line of treatment few days before
Gandha thailam 2 caps twice a day before food
Vaidyaratnam lakshadi guggul 2 tablets twice a day
Massage with Valiya narayan thailam at night
Please tell me whether these medicines are good enough for curing my tennis elbow or should I change anything.I want to completely cure my pain not just mask it kindly help me out.
Hi, Gandhatailam is commonly prescribed for oral consumtpion – 10 drops, once or twice a day. But please consult an Ayurveda doctor for the right advice.
No. It does not increase cholesterol.
sir, i am using mahatiktam kwatham tablet, gandha thailam capsule , anna bhedi sinduram capsule, c-health granules and neelibhringhadi for thinning hair does it usefull ? or do i need to take any other medicine ?
Hello Sir, If a Ayurvedic Physician has prescribed you this please do go ahead.
Is Gandhya Tailam Soft Gel capsules acts as good laxative.
Namaste, No it does not.
Hi Doctor, I had an ankle fracture and was taking allopathic treatment. I had cast for 6 weeks, its was removed a week back. However I am still not able to walk without any support. I feel my feet is very stiff and cannot hold body weight while walking. Though X-ray says the fracture almost cured (90%), my leg is still swelling. Somebody suggested me to apply Gandha tailam externally. Will it help ? As I read it suppose to be taken orally. If this can be applied externally can you please suggest the dosage and method ? I got a 10 ml bottle from kottakal but no usage note with the pack. Please help me
Hello Sir, It can be used both internally and externally.
For Abhyanga:
Warm the oil and massage it on the ankle.
Leave it for 30 minutes and then pour Warm water on it.
dab the water off and do not rub the affected part.
Thanks Doctor!
You are welcome sir.
Can it be used for massage?if I cannot take it orally
Taking regularly Gandhya Tailam Capsules, is it reducing body weight?
No it is not.
Thanks a lot doctor . This is for my fracture in Tibia with 4 cm bone loss and now on illizarov frame. Have been taking this combination from a year now. But only cissus before breakfast and other after . Hope taking it for this long is not a problem .
No problem with long term use in your case.
Dr i have avn problem is there any cure without surgery,My age is 34
Please consult an Ayurveda doctor directly. Panchakarma + oral medicines can be helpful.
Is the gandhathailam a steroid? Can it use for long time for disc problems?
It is not a steroid. None of Ayurvedic medicines are steroids. It can be used for up to 4 – 5 months time.
is gandhathailam good for coccyx pain??
Hi Dr,
My father is a heart patient whom has previously undergone bypass. Is it safe for him to consume ghanda tailam together with his heart related medications? Thank you in advance.
Is Gandha tailam helps for weight loss…
This ganda thailam capsule after or before in food?
It can be used before or after. Before is better.
Hi Dr. Is it effective for AC joint synovitis ?
Hi Doctor,
My MRI report mentions ACL Complete Tear of my Right Knee Joint. It was 9 months back that this Happened.Can the ACL be fully recovered with the ‘Gangh Tailam’.
Sorry for the direct question, but it would help if you could clarify whether is actually prescribed in some ayurveda text for improving teeth health. Or is the oil pulling suggestion a guess based on the constituents of this oil?
Hi, it is told in Ayurveda texts that it improves bone strength – Asthi Dhatu. Teeth is also counted as bone in Ayurveda. Hence the link.
Is zeotone capsules good for chondromalacia? Ayurvedic doctor advised me to take 2 capsules thrice daily for 3 months
Hi doctor.
I am now trying to treat an infectious field: worms and herpes.
But i have also weak teeth.
Should i wait before taking gandha tailam?
Thank you.
It can be taken in a dose of 10 drops, twice a day before food for 1 month time.
I have supraspinatus tendon high grade partial tear at footprint Also minimal glenohumeral joint effusion with subacromial subdeltoid bursitis
Will Gandh tail softgel help?
How many days should I wait for results to avoid surgery ?
Will Gandh tail softgels cure supraspinatus tear
Can be definitely used in a dose of 4 capsules per day for 2 months time to watch for improvements.
Will definitely try
Hello Doctor, can gandha tailam be used with people having initial stages of parkinson’s disease?
Ksheerabala taila is more useful.
Does gandha Tailam + pravala Bhasma prescribed for hair loss stop menstruation?
No. This combination does not stop menstruation.
Have slight knee pain.Ayurvedic doctor said it is due to reduction of a liquid which acts like shock absorber.happened due to overuse as I used to trek western ghats a lot.she prescribed gandha tailam before breakfast and lunch.arthoven after breakfast lunch dinner.prolege plus after breakfast and this fine?
Is this Gandha Thailam again affects on bone after continuous doses? Whether it will have any side effects?
Usually, Gandha tailam is very well tolerated, without any side effects on long term use.
All three are right medicines to you. Please go ahead. Murivenna is for external application.
It can help but a cure is very difficult to promise.
hello dr, hebbar.
i am 46 yrs old and have thyriod. also having backpain and leg pain. a friend of mine told me about gandha tailam, so i started taking it. i noticed i get gas and bloating which had been my problem also. is it safe to take this medicines for thyriod patents. pls advice.
Hi, this can be taken despite having low testosterone.
Hi Doctor, I have mild wrist pain and joint pain due to long duration bike travel everyday. A doctor suggested that I use ostikot tablet + gandha tailam tablet. And application of ksirabala21. Is this combination okay?..I also have anal fissure and constipation..will ostikot and gandhatailam affect constipation?
Hi, it looks fine. Ostikot + gandha tailam do not cause constipation.
Sir a vaidya friend of mine advised these ayurvedic medicines for neck pain ,back pain, numbmess limbs dur to cervical spondilysis and family history of osteoporosis…Spondylon capsules ,yogaraja guggulu, gandha tailam, ayurvedic calcium tablets calciactiv. Is this combination useful. Sir I took it for a month and i had quite good results. can it be continued for 1 more month Dr hebbar . how long this combination should be taken according to you ?Thank you and namaste .
The dosage is calcium + gandha tailam capsule (1 tablet each only 1 time in a day ) . Yograja and spondylon (1 tablet twice a day). Do they cause any type.of side effects like allopathic pain killers and calcium tablets?
No problem with this. But if one is taking allopathic calcium tablets, then there is no need of Ayurvedic calcium tablet. Rest of the medicines are fine to take.
It is good combination. Good to continue for 2 more months. After 2 months, the medicine dose should be gradually decreased and eventually stopped.
Dear Dr,
My mother have inflammation on knees . she have this problem for 6 years.she is a diabetic patient. Is Gandhathailam suitable for her ? The alopathic doctors saying that, this disease can’t cure, only we can control it . is that correct. Sorry for my bad English.
Sir, Since a long time after I pulled a heavy bar before one year I feel a tendon on wrist is being contracted when I curl in my small finger.Can gandha thailam help to relieve that problem.Please help..
I recently developed pain in my right thigh, the pain is mostly on the outside, but sometimes on the front and inside of the thigh. It gets worse when I am driving or when I sit for a long time. The pain on the inside becomes more pronounced if I sit cross legged. I was told it could be Meralgia Paresthetica. I had been previously diagnosed as being prediabetic. Not sure if this new pain my thighs is due to diabetic neuropathy or it is sciatica. Will gandha thailam be helpful to take? Thanks in advance.
Hello Doctor,
Is Gandha Tailam capsule good for Ankylosing spondelitis ? If so pl suggest dossage too
Thank you
Hello Doctor,
Ten days back, I had a GR-III ACL tear and Meniscus tear. I don’t want to undergo surgery. Still bit selling is there. I have been advised by a one of the Ayurveda shop owner to apply a mixture of Gandha Thailam and Murivenna Thailam (from Kottakkal) on the knee to heal the tears. How effective it would be and is this the right procedure of applying these oils?
Hi, Murivenna is for local application. Gandha tailam – for oral intake. – 10 drops 3 times a day after food for 3 months time.
They hold the potency for up to 3 years. Use it and finish them within – 2 -3 months. Good for bones. Anyone can take it. 🙂
My father’s doctor prescribed the following medicines for his leg pain.
Gandha thailam
Sahacharadi kwatham
Sir, he is a heart patient and also his Criyatinin level is high. Please give me reply… Is there any problem
Hi, all look good.
does gandha thailam helps in hair growth?
is gandhathailam good for controlling hairfall?/increase hair growth? pls reply this was given to me by a doc
Hi, both the capsules – 1 capsule each 2 times a day after food for 3 months can be useful.
Should gandha thailam capsule be taken before or after food?
Either way is fine.
Does this put weight after the usage of this tablet?
Is it good for the treatment of Stroke, Paralysis
Maharasandi kwatham + ashtavargam kwatham + Gandhi tailam. Is t good for ankylosing spondylitis ? And also does it reduce esr levels ?
Sir, my friend have severe pain on left knee. Now she is taking gandhataila with rasna erandadi kashayam and sallaki got some relief. But there is stiffness after taking gandhataila.. Is any problem.. No external oils are used.. Can she use kottamchukkadi oil for stiffness.. Thanku in advance
She can use Kottamchukkadi oil for stiffness.
Ask her to drink warm water after taking gandha taila.
Dr, I had c section delry before 10 month shall I take this medicines
Hello, I had recently fractured my ankle bone and I have been under natural oil treatment. I had been advised my one of my Ayurveda doctor to take gandha thailam but due to unavailability he gave me tablets of ksheeraguloochi. I want to how is effect of both the tablets over our body.
Hi, Both are useful to heal the fracture quickly.
Thank you doctor.
Does this promote weight loss? What should be taken to promote weight loss? Since I eat less food and also do daily exercise still only my facial fat reduces and nothing else. Help me
hi doctor
i ask you a question about ganda 10 mm…need to take how many before meals ?
1 or 2 right?
all thé bottle ?
Dear Sir
My daughter is having scoliosis is gandham tailam capsules is effective for her to prevent surgery
It is useful to strengthen the back bone. but it is hard for me to guess if it really capable of preventing surgery.
Is there any pathyam for Gandhatailam
There are no product specific Pathyam explained.
Can gandha taila given in diabetic patient ie who is on medication since 12years
Can 15 year’s old girl take this medicine for hair loss
Thank you Doctor…can you pls advice abt the dosage.. I am 48yrs old
Can gandham tailam is used in sacroilitis and sciatica…?
Is gandha thailam capsule hot does it increases heat in the body
Can we do nasya by bandha tailam?
Gandha tailam – yes.
Could you use gandha tailam in postpartum care? with abhyanga externally and internal for healing after a difficult birth..
It can be given orally. For abhyanga, mahanarayana oil or Dhanwantaram oil is beneficial for strengthening bones and joints.